Home for Christmas (Lloya)

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Summary: Nya thinks Lloyd won't be home for the holidays, but has she got a surprise.

Merry Christmas alirxi ! Here's your present!


"Sorry, sis," Kai said, hanging up the phone. "Lloyd can't make it."

"Oh," Nya said, frowning. It had been over a month since she last saw her boyfriend, as Sensei Wu had sent him on a mission on the other side of Ninjago, but she'd still held out hope that he'd finish and make it back home in time for Christmas. "That's... okay."

Her phone dinged with a text. She looked down at it.

GreenBean: I'm so sorry sweetheart. I wish I could be there. I promise I'll FaceTime you and the rest.

WaterLily: it's ok Lloydie. Just come home as soon as you can

GreenBean: you have my word

WaterLily: love you

GreenBean: love you too. I gtg.

WaterLily: bye

Nya turned off her phone and resumed watching television with her brother. This year's Christmas would be different, but that didn't mean it still couldn't be fun, even without Lloyd.


Christmas Day at the monastery was hectic, as it always was. Zane was rushing around cooking while Pixal was helping him. Lloyd was the kitchen's usual guard, keeping Cole from sneaking in and eating everything, but with the green ninja absent at the moment, Jay took over that job.

Nya was hanging out with Seliel in the city, admiring the decorations and going ice skating at the central town rink the city put up every winter. Skylor would've been there, but around this time of year her restaurant got extremely busy, and she couldn't find time to slip away.

The sun was beginning to set. Seliel's phone buzzed, and she glanced down at it, reading a message from Cole.

"We should head back to the monastery."

"'Kay," Nya mumbled, brushing a snowflake off her cheek.

They returned their ice skates and caught a taxi to the edge of the city, then flew the rest of the way on Nya's dragon. Even from high in the air, the water ninja could see the glow of the Christmas lights.

The two landed and walked into the monastery. Zane and Pixal was still in the kitchen, Kai, Cole, and Jay were having a video game competition, Wu was sipping tea, and Lloyd hadn't returned. The place felt empty to Nya without him.

"Hey, sis," Kai called from the couch when he saw her walk in. "A box just arrived. It's for you."

Nya raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"Dunno," Kai shrugged. "It's in that corner there."

Nya glanced over, and sure enough, there was a big box in the corner near the Christmas tree, covered in shiny green wrapping paper. "Where's it from?"

Kai shrugged again. "Didn't ask. But the mailman said to open it as soon as possible."

"Then why didn't you?"

"Because it's yours, and I have at least a small bit of respect to not open my sister's packages."

"How noble," Nya commented sarcastically. She went over to the box. It was so big that she bet she could fit in there easily. The lid wasn't even taped on.

"What the hell is in this thing?" She muttered, reaching for the lid.

Just as her fingers touched it, the box exploded. Nya jerked back with a yelp.

Well, not exploded, exactly, but the lid flew off on its own accord.

Or rather, of the accord of who was in it.

The blond-haired green-eyed ninja stood in front of her, standing in the box.

"Hi," he said, grinning. "Merry Christmas!"

It took Nya a while to remember how to move, but soon enough, her arms were thrown around her boyfriend's shoulders. "I thought— you said you couldn't make it!"

"We found the gang the day after I called," Lloyd said, hugging her back without hesitation. "So I've just been working on your surprise."

Nya laughed, pulling back to meet his eyes. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, Midget," he said, dropping a peck to her lips.

"Are you... gonna get out of that box?"

"You know what, I kinda like it in here."

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