Scavenger Hunt (Lloya)

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Wishing a Merry Christmas to GalaxyWolf193 !

Summary: Christmas morning, Nya has to go on a scavenger hunt to find her present and her boyfriend


Nya's alarm went off. The water ninja groaned and shifted in bed. Her still-groggy brain idly thought, Why is it going off? Isn't it...

The last word of that thought had Nya bolting up in bed, all traces of sleepiness gone.

She turned, expecting to find her boyfriend, Lloyd, who had stayed the night, but there was no one there. In the blond's place was a dented pillow and a yellow sticky note. Nya rubbed her eyes and picked up the paper.

Hey Midget,
Merry Christmas! This is the first of many clues along the way. For your second, go to where you can see the sun starting the day.

Nya jumped up and quickly changed and got ready for the day. Where the sun starts the day... that must mean the east side of the monastery. Since the building was located on top of a mountain that pierced the clouds, every morning, there was a spectacular view of the sun rising. Starting the day.

Nya stuck the paper into her pocket and made her way to the eastern wing of the monastery. Normally it was just storage for Wu's teas and extra training equipment, but when she got there, she saw a trail of green glitter leading into a broom closet. She opened it, and another yellow Post-It caught her eye. She picked it up and read:

Congrats on finding the second clue. For the third, look to how the dragons flew.

She stared at the paper for a few minutes before it clicked. What dragons used to fly... wings!

Nya rushed out to head to the courtyard. On the way, she bumped into Cole.

"Hey Cole, do you know where Lloyd is?"

The master of earth shook his head. "Nope. Haven't seen him all morning."


Cole was a bad liar, but Nya shrugged it off and opened the monastery doors. Sure enough, taped to one of the wings of the golden dragon statue, there was yet another note.

You're almost there, but the search's not done. Find Kai. To receive the last clue, he's the one.

Nya frowned. Find Kai? Her brother was the last one she thought likely to play a game of riddles. He just didn't have an attention span long enough to think about something for over two minutes.

(Sorry not sorry, Kai)

Nevertheless, Nya went back into the monastery. Zane was cooking breakfast in the kitchen with Pixal. Nya hadn't realized before that she hadn't eaten yet, so when Pixal offered her some pancakes, eggs, and bacon, she readily accepted.

"Have you guys seen Kai?" Nya asked as she cut a pancake. "Or Lloyd?"

"I... do not know where Lloyd is," Zane said. Sheesh, he was an even worse liar than Cole. "But Kai went down to pick up Skylor for the Christmas party this afternoon."

Nya internally groaned, deciding to ignore the fact that Zane had obviously lied about not knowing where the green ninja was. Her brother just had to be in the middle of a huge metropolis.

"He won't be back until the party starts," Pixal informed. "So if you're looking for him, I think you'll have to go down to the city."

"Right," Nya said as she finished her food. "Thanks."

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