Lake (Kailor)

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Some Kailor for y'all


It was a hot summer day. All the ninja were out doing stuff- Lloyd, Nya, and Jay were at the Walkers' junkyard helping Ed and Edna with some 'top-secret project", Cole was at a bakery, and Zane and Pixal were at Borg Industries.

Leaving just Kai and Skylor.

Well, and Wu, but the old man had made it clear that he wasn't to be disturbed.

"Ugh," Skylor complained. "It's too hot."

"Like me?" Kai asked teasingly.

Skylor rolled her eyes. "No, not like you. I don't like this heat."

"Well- okay then."

"We should go swimming," Skylor said.

"You know I can't swim," Kai said.

"I'll teach you," Skylor promised. "C'mon."

"Nooo," Kai whined. "I don't wanna go to the pool."

"Not a pool," Skylor said.

"Where, then?"

"You'll see," she said. "Go change and meet me out front."

Kai didn't see any way out of this, so he complied.

Skylor, dressed in a dark orange swimsuit and cover-up, was waiting outside the monastery's gates with her elemental dragon. She hopped on and patted the spot behind her. "Get on, slowpoke."

"Uh, I could summon my own," Kai said. He'd never ridden someone else's dragon unless you counted his and Nya's combination dragon.

"Nope!" Skylor smiled. "Just get on."

Kai took his girlfriend's hand and climbed aboard, and the dragon took off.

"So," Kai said. "Where are we going?"

"Oh, you'll see."

Kai peered down through the clouds, but he couldn't see anything.

The dragon suddenly took a nosedive. Kai screamed and grabbed Skylor's shoulders. She laughed, and the dragon resumed a gentle glide.

"What?" She asked. "You don't like diving?"

"No," Kai said defensively, letting go of her. "I just wasn't expecting it."

"Mhm..." Skylor said. "Well, we're here."

The dragon slowly descended, landing near a clear sparkling lake. Kai and Skylor hopped down, and the dragon disintegrated.

"Whoa... how come I've never seen this place before?" Kai asked. There was a dock and a canoe jutting out in front of them, but other than that, there was no proof that any humans had been there before.

"It's not easily found," Skylor said. "Nya showed it to me once."

"Oh, so it's a 'girl secret'," Kai said.

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