Chapter Eight

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I went back to my dorm, changed out of my clothes, and got ready in record timing. 

I snaked through the crowded parking lot, scanning for someone I recognized. Before this, the only time I have witnessed a tailgate was when I was younger and my parents took my brother and me to a concert. People scattered across the summer dusk horizon camped out in lawn chairs next to their vehicles. I could still remember the piquant aroma of hickory and coal burning as their stares hounded in on us as if we offended them by not pulling up a chair and joining. 

This tailgate was nothing like that. Weaving my way through the lot, I almost got plummeted by someone doing a backflip off the roof of their car, while trying to avoid a dance circle that had formed in the middle of a few cars. 

"Excuse me."

 The mashup of songs blasting from the cars serenaded me as I made my way deeper into the crowd.

Where are my friends? 

Suddenly, I spotted a figure with pastel pink hair standing in the bed of a pickup truck. My feet followed the familiar sight, and as I got closer, Jacq's face became into focus. 

"There she is!" Jacq jumped off, "the hardest working girl I know." 

"Hey guys," I acknowledged the usual crowd that was either playing beer pong or watching.  

"How was your shift?" 

I took the plastic cup that Jacq extended towards me, the warm sensation burning my throat and trickling into my chest as I gulped it down. 

"Busy, as usual." 

"Well, we missed you," Jacq peered into my cup, refilling it, "you need to get onto my level of drunk right now."

I chuckled, not protesting, meeting the cup to my lips again. 

"Come on, dude," Luke's hand was extended, pressing a cup of alcohol towards Tom.

"I can't, I have a big practice tonight for the homecoming game tomorrow." 

Luke's shoulders slumped in defeat, shrugging, and chugged the offered drink. 

"What is the pregame plan for tomorrow?" Lily asked.

"We can host!" Jacq offered, grabbing my hand and raising it with hers. 

"Um, actually-" 

"Woo! That's what I am talking about!" Lily threw her fist in the air in celebration.

I went to lean into Jacq's ear to explain that I am working, but Tom suddenly appeared.

"I'm really excited that you're finally going to see one of my games tomorrow," he smiled.

"Me too," I hesitated, "I am just going to be a little late because I have to work but-"

"Wait, what?" Jacq intervened, "What do you mean? I thought you were off tomorrow."

"I was, but, uh," my eyes scanned back and forth between Jacq and Tom's, "I have to cover for someone."

"Can't someone else do it?" She pressed.

I shrugged, "Perks of being the lowest on the totem pole, I guess." 

I hated lying to them, especially Jacq, but I had no other choice. 

"I'll be there as soon as I can, I promise." 

Jacq nodded, pulling me into a side hug. Tom stared at me for a moment but then smiled. 

"Prepare yourself," Tom playfully nudged my arm, "it's going to be a hell of a game."

For the rest of the tailgate, Tom kept his distance. I couldn't help but feel he was mad at me. For what? His being mad at me for being late to the tailgate seemed like an exaggerated reaction. 

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