Chapter Ten

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After finding a very drunk Jacq, we made our way back to the dorm. Jacq pushed through the door before me, stumbling inside and immediately kicking off her shoes.

"What a long day," Jacq groaned,  faceplanting onto her bed. 

"Yeah, tell me about it," I kicked off my shoes, looking down at my scrubs. I couldn't wait to get these off. 

"I meant me." Jacq bit. 

What is she talking about?

She shlepped her body into an upright position, her droopy eyes glaring at me as she continued, "I'm the one who went to the store and got everything for the pregame party, which I had to throw by myself. Then I cleaned up, went to the entire freaking boring game for hours, and sat on the bleachers waiting for you to show up." 

"I'm sorry. I got caught up at work," I sat down next to her on the bed. 

My phone started vibrating as Jacq continued, "It seems like you're always working overtime. I hope you're getting paid for it at least." 

I wormed my fingers into my pocket and pulled out my phone, and saw 'MOM' flashed across the screen. I silenced the call.

"Yeah, well actually I don't-"

"Well, why do you stay so late then?" Jacq cut me off.

"I didn't realize the time-"

My phone buzzed again. Mom.

"What, you're having such a great time in the psych ward that you lost track of time?"


Mom rang again. 

"I think you're spreading yourself too thin," Jacq pressed.

My head began to spin from ping-ponging back and forth from the sound of Jacq's constant badgering and the phone ringing. 

"No. I was talking to Cassidy and-"

"Wait, Cassidy? Why was he there?"


My phone buzzed.  

I looked up at Jacq, who was now lying down on her side with either an expression of anger and confusion on her face. I couldn't tell you. 

Instead of dealing with the wrath that I was about to endure, I picked up the phone. 

"Mom?" I asked, looking at the time, "Is everything alright? It's past midnight."

"Oh, honey. I'm sorry, did I wake you?" Her voice was unusually soft-spoken.

"No, I was awake," I stand up from Jacq's bed and walk over to my side of the room, "What's going on?"

"I shouldn't have called this late. I'm sorry-"

"What is it, Mom?"

I look over at Jacq, eyebrows still furrowed, wrapping her head around the information I just accidentally threw at her. 

"You're father's engaged."

I sat on my bed, looking at my feet.


"I just found out that apparently, he has been seeing some woman from work, and...well, she's pregnant."

I remained silent, unsure of what to say next. 

"Honey, I'm sorry to spring this on you, but I just found out. And he told me he was going to show up and surprise you at school tomorrow to tell you, and well, I-" She exhaled, "I just wanted you to hear it from me."

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