Chapter Twelve

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It was now Wednesday. When you think of it, Wednesday's are one of the best days of the week. It signals that you made it halfway through, and there are only two more days until the weekend.

"You're leaving earlier than usual."

Jacq commented as I tried to slip out the door.

"Yeah...I am meeting a study group to review before today's test."

She paused for a long moment and then smirked, "nerd."

"The nerdiest." I bounced back, smiling.

I made my way to the library, where Cassidy and I said we would meet, and picked a table in front, but on the side against the wall, knowing he probably wouldn't want to be dead center as soon as you walk in.

I set up my flashcards, took out my notebook and textbook, and waited. To get a better view of the door, I switched seats to make sure I didn't miss him walk in.

I didn't realize I had so many questions I wanted to ask him and things I wanted to tell him about. Like how was he feeling? Was he eating? For some reason, I felt the urge to tell him about my dad and his sudden engagement.

Even though we have only spoken a few times, I feel a certain closeness to him. One that understands what the other one is feeling and saying. One that only wounded spirits can relate to.

A few moments went by as I peered down at my phone. It was seven minutes past the time we agreed upon.

More moments passed as I sat there, tapping my pencil against the desk's wooden surface. My posture slumping more now over the cherry wood table as I reached the twenty-minute mark past the time we were supposed to meet.

I reached for my flashcards, peeling my eyes off of the library's entrance, and began quizzing myself for review.

After a few more moments, I realized that there was now only ten minutes until class started. I looked around one more time before packing up my stuff and leaving.

To no surprise, when I walk into the lecture hall, Cassidy's seat was empty. At first, I was mad that he stood me up, but then my mind jumped to the only other logical conclusion—the hospital. Maybe he never got released.

The professor walked in the right behind me, announcing as he made his way to the front of the room, "Everyone, takes a seat and clear your desks. I am going to start administering the test now."

I quickly sat down and took out a pencil. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a figure swoop in. Cassidy sat down just as the professor was reaching his row to hand out the tests.

Okay, now I know he stood me up. I made a conscious note to finish my test as soon as possible, making a plan to confront him and try to get an explanation.

As soon as I got my test, I flipped to page one and began taking it. When I reached the last question, I was shocked to see Cassidy stand up and bring his test to the front to hand in his test before me.

Without looking, I circled one of the answers and stood up, following him to the front.

He swiftly made his way out of the lecture hall as if he was trying to avoid me, but I caught up.

"Hey!" I tapped Cassidy on the shoulder, walking next to him at the same brisk pace.

"Hi," He said, barely glancing at me, and kept walking.

The old me would have stopped walking and left him, clearly seeing that he didn't want to talk, but the new me didn't care.

"Hey," I said again, this time stepping in front of him with my hand out in front of me, forcing him to stop short.

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