Chapter Twenty

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After Tom left, I took a shower to wash off the stressful day. When I returned to my room, Jacq was sitting on her bed, on her phone.

She didn't even turn her head when I walked in, just continued scrolling on her phone. My gaze shifted up towards her a few times, waiting for us to make accidental eye contact to spark conversation, but that never happened.

Ever since our fight, we haven't seen much or spoken at all.

"Tom and I just broke up." I blurted out.

"Wait, really? What happened?" Her voice rang of genuine concern.

I hesitated, unsure if I could act like we were back to normal, but at this moment, I needed my friend back.

I sighed, walking over and plopping myself on her bed.

"Things weren't working out between us. He was constantly telling me who I could and couldn't hang out with, and lately, he's been a dick."

"I'm sorry," Jacq grabbed my hand.

"I'll be okay; breaking up was the right thing to do." I nodded, smiling at her.

"I'm sorry about what I said the other day too. I don't want to fight with you, Amber. I miss my best friend."

I nodded, "I miss you too. I'm sorry for what I said."

"Let's never fight again, okay?" Jacq wrapped her arm around me, pulling me in for an embrace.

"Agreed." I smiled, hugging her back.

For the entire weekend, I stayed in my bed. Jaq tried to coax me out of our room, enticing me with ice cream and other fun activities, but I didn't budge. The only thing I could think about was Cassidy sitting in the psych ward, wondering how he was doing.

Late Sunday night, Jacq was out with Luke, Lily, and friends, and I was watching The Notebook when I remembered I had Sam's, one of the aides from work's, number.

I quickly sat up in bed, turning off my T.V. and grabbing my phone.

I pulled up Sam's contact and typed:

*Hey! It's Amber from Mary Hill. Did you work today?*

Before I even re-read the message, I hit send. I began pacing around my room, biting on my nails, glaring down at the phone for a response.

After a few seconds, the phone dings. It's a text from Sam:

*Hey! Ya, I got off twenty minutes ago. Y?"

I stood still, debating on whether or not to cross this line.

I gulped, exhaling slowly as my thumbs began gliding across the screen, typing:

* Did you see Cassidy at all? How was he?*

I squeezed my eyes shut as I pressed send. The phone immediately dinged. My eyes shot open, looking down at her response.

*I knew u liked Cade!! He was discharged at 5.*

I typed back a simple *Thank you!*, not wanting to address her knowing Cassidy and I's friendship.

I immediately texted Cassidy, now knowing he has his phone back.

*How are you doing?*

I laid back down in bed, pulled the covers up to my chin, and stared at my phone, waiting for his response.

The next thing I know, it was morning. My phone was still in my hand when I woke up. I quickly unlocked it, no messages.

I got dressed and went to class, waiting for Cassidy outside the building. Usually, I would not expect him to come, but we have a test today, so I know he would show up.

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