Chapter Five

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***WARNING: This story contains a plotline about triggering topics such as suicide, mental health, etc. Please read at your own discretion. 

This will be the only warning since this topic is mentioned multiple times throughout the story's entirety. 

Please be cautious before reading and know that if you or anyone you know is struggling with these topics, you are not alone, and there is always someone you can reach out to. 

Feel free to message and reach out to me. I am here for all of you if you need someone to talk to. Thank you***

As I walked to my next class from the parking lot, my mind couldn't help but wonder, thinking about Cassidy.  Goosebumps sheeted my arms, causing the hair to stand up on the back of my neck as I pictured the look on his face as I looked up at him. The scent of his cologne still lingered, causing butterflies to flutter in my stomach. 

The thoughts took over the rest of my day, and I couldn't concentrate on any of my classes. After my last class, I went straight back to the dorms. 

I shook my head and attempted to clear the thoughts that were swarming around before I walked inside our room, fully knowing that Jacq would be inside, ready for our girl's night.

I swung the door opened, and the smell of buttery salty popcorn infiltrated my nostrils. 

"Hey!" Amber grinned, pouring two big glasses of white wine.

I sat down on my bed and took off my shoes. Jacq joined me moments later, climbing onto my bed with a big bowl of popcorn in one hand and two glasses of wine in the other. 

"How was your first day?" Jacq said, handing me a glass.

"Actually, it wasn't bad."

Jacq sat in silence, grinning. 

"What?" My heart raced at her devilish smile. What did she know?

"I heard you had a coffee date today." Her tone inflicted a sense of pride in that she had caught me in a lie.'

"Date?" I sat there, perplexed. 

"With Tom, you dummy!" She playfully hit my arm, taking a sip of wine.

"Oh," I sighed a sense of relief, "that wasn't a date."

"Mhm," Jacq nodded, "sure it wasn't."

"Trust me, it wasn't," I laughed, "so, how was your day?"

"Boring as shit." She stated. 

I nodded. Immediately, my mind flickered back to Cassidy. I looked over at Jacq, who was staring at the bowl of popcorn, picking out the pieces with the most butter on them. 

I hesitated, "Do you know who Cassidy Cade is?" 

After a moment of thinking, she finally said, "I don't know him, but I think I have heard his name before." 

She paused again, "What does he look like?"

"Um, brown hair, light blue eyes, tall," I paused for a moment, acting like I had to think and didn't perfectly remember every detail about him, "carries a brown leather journal with him."

"Oh wait, you know what?" Jacq picked up her phone and texted someone, "I just asked Lily if he's the guy I'm thinking about."

Suddenly, her phone dinged, "Yup. It's him." 

"What?" The curiosity was eating me alive. 

"He's a year older than us, the same age as Lily and her friends. He's the guy Lily was telling me about that got suspended last year for almost killing someone at a party."

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