Chapter Six

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The next morning, I managed to get ready and make it out of my room before Jacq woke up. 

I was eager to get to class. Even though I don't like to admit it, I kept thinking about my run-in with Cassidy since it happened a couple of days ago. 

I realized that what frustrated me the most was that I couldn't read him, which I thought I had a knack for. Usually, I can read someone and know exactly what kind of person they are going to be. But with Cassidy, it was different. 

I sat in class in the same seat as the other day and waited. As time ticked by, I looked back at the clock and then back to doodling on my notebook as the other students filed in sporadically. 

After a few moments, the professor walked in and began taking attendance. I looked over at the desk Cassidy was sitting in, and it was empty. I looked around the lecture hall to see if he was sitting in a different spot, but he wasn't there. 

"Cassidy Cade?" The teacher called out, but the response was there was nothing but silence. 

Disappointed, I flipped open the textbook to today's pages and started taking notes. 

I couldn't help but wonder if he had switched out of this class for the rest of my classes. Was I ever going to see him again?  

I laughed at myself at the thought that the reasoning for his absence was because of me. Pull it together, Amber. 

I have never felt this way about someone before, and I don't know why it was happening now. 

After my last class, I texted Jacq to see if she wanted to grab dinner, but she was already at the dining hall with Lily and her friends. 

She texted:

*Rosch dining hall. Get here now! Tom is here :)*

I rolled my eyes at her text. I could hear the infliction of the words as she would've said them. 

Having no other plans, I made my way to meet them. The dining hall was packed, and at first, I wasn't sure if I would find them, but then I saw Jacq stand up and flag me over, waving her arms in the air across the sea of students. 

"Hey guys," I said, putting down my bag and sitting in the only seat left, which was, of course, next to Tom and across from Jacq. 

"Hey, how was class?" Jacq said, taking a bite of her burger. 

"Good, boring," I admitted. 

"Welcome to college," Luke said, warranting a laugh from everyone at the table. 

"This food sucks," Jacq said, tossing her burger on her tray. 

"It's not so bad," Luke countered, taking a bite of his french fries.

"Wait, what?!" Jacq leaned over towards Luke, "I didn't know they had fries!" 

I couldn't help but laugh and Jacq's sincerity as she took a handful of fries from Luke's tray.

"Hey! Hey! Hands off my fries, everyone. If you want some, go get your own." He put his hands up against his tray, blocking his fries from everyone. 

Jacq took another bite of the fries she had stolen from Luke, "You guys know how much I love fries."

The rest continued to tease Jacq about french fries when suddenly, I saw Cassidy walk into the dining hall and stand in line for food. 

"I'll go up and get you fries, Jacq," I said, my eyes flickering to her from Cassidy. 

"It's okay, and I'll live." She pouted.

"No, really," I stood up from the table, "I have to go up and get food anyway." 

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