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Six months later

Jacq and I walk out of the coffee shop, each holding a cup of coffee.

"We are starting the sophomore year off right! With my favorite latte...and best friend, of course."

I laughed, shaking my head.

"Oh, remind me later I want to buy a new TV for our room this year. Our old one is too small." Jacq said, taking a sip of her latte.

"Okay, sure," I said, looking down at her phone before sliding it in her back


"Have you heard from him?" Jacq asked, seeing my sly attempt to recheck my phone.

I shook my head, "Not for over a month or so. I thought maybe he would text me today."

"I'm sure he will. I'll see you later! Meet at the dining hall in Rosch Quad for dinner?"

"Yeah, sounds great."

We hugged, walking off in different directions.

As I walked into the lecture hall and sat down, I looked around but didn't see any familiar faces.

I sighed, checking my phone once more before taking out my notebook when someone begins to sit down next to me.

"Is this seat taken?"

My head snapped up to see Cassidy smiling.

A childish grin swept across my face, "No, not at all."

We smiled at each other for a long moment. Cassidy looked good. He looked refreshed and happy. Suddenly, the professor who walked in and was beginning class, continuing to smile.

Cassidy looked good. He looked refreshed and happy.

"Alright, class, we're going to get started right away. In this class, we will be discussing."

As the professor keeps talking, his voice fades as Cassidy and I glance back at each other at the same time before we both look forward. A big smile is plastered across both of our faces.

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