Chapter Eighteen

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I leaned in, peering closer at the photo.

"It was a long time ago, like middle school or something," Cassidy scoffs, "We used to be friends if you could believe it."

No, I can't believe it.

I looked back down at the photo. Now that I know it is Tom, I can see the resemblance.

"What happened?" I asked.

Cassidy shook his head, "It's not important."

"It's important to me," I said truthfully.

Cassidy hesitated, "Ah, I don't know..."

"Please?" I asked, resting my hand on his knee.

Cassidy looks down at my hand, "I should go make sure my mom is good to go for her interview."

"Yeah, okay."

He stands up and leaves me alone in his room.

Why did I do that? 

 I look back down at the picture of him and Cassidy, sighing, closing the book, and placing it back on the shelf.

When I slide the book back on the shelf, I notice a piece of paper that says, "Mary Hill Hospital Discharge Papers and Medical Plan" across the top.

I peer at it closer, squinting my eyes, but the sound of a crash and yelling pulling me away. I run down the hallway to see what was going on.

As soon as I turn the corner, I see a guy in a sleeveless shirt holding Cassidy up against the wall. Cassidy's mom is on one side, tugging on the guy's arm, trying to get him to let go of Cassidy.

Before I could process what was going on, I ran over on the other side, "Hey! Get off of him!" I yank down on his arm as hard as I could.

Cassidy nudged, coming free from his grip, but only to cause the guy's hand to fly back, hitting me square in the face. I stumble backward, falling to the ground.

Cassidy notices me go down, and his eyes fill with fury. My hand flies up to my nose. My head was spinning, and the only thing I could focus on was the warm sticky liquid was dripping from my nose.

"You know what, mom, I'm done. Go ahead, continue to fuck up your life. Go with him and miss your job interview."

"Cassidy-" She cried, reaching for him. 

"Go, Mom. Now!"

Cassidy pushed past the guy and walked over to me, wiping the blood off of his lip.

"Are you alright? Let me see." Cassidy says, bending down and taking my hand in his, slightly pulling them away from my face to examine the damage.

"Let's go, " I hear the guy mumbled.

"I'm sorry, baby, I'll be home tonight." Cassidy's mom cries out as she hesitantly leaves, walking towards the door.

But Cassidy doesn't acknowledge her. Instead, his eyes remain locked on mine. Without hesitation, Cassidy pulls off his white t-shirt holding it out to me. I take it, holding it up to my nose.

"Hold on one second," Cassidy stood up and ran out of the room, swiftly returning with a towel and a bottle of isopropyl alcohol.


He splashed some alcohol on the towel and extended it out to me, dropping the shirt so he could examine the damage.

He dabbed the towel on my cut, a sharp stabbing pain shooting through my entire face.

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