Chapter Twenty Three

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The next couple of weeks of my life were complete bliss. Cassidy and I were inseparable. We would be in school together, hang out after school together, and I even spent a few nights over at his house.

Usually, I'm not like this when it comes to relationships, but there was something about him that made me want to be near him, always.

I placed my backpack and textbook down at one of the many library tables and pulled out a book.

Before I could even read two pages, Cassidy comes up and kisses me on the cheek.

"Hey, you," his face carelessly pressed against mine before sitting next to me.

"Hey! I thought you had something with your mom today?" I asked, placing the book down on the table.

Cassidy pulls a book out of his bag.

"Yeah, well, she canceled," He said, defeated, flipping the page to his bookmark, "It's okay, though. Now I get to spend more time with you."

A childish smile swept across my face, "Well, how can I argue with that?"

"You can't," Cassidy rebutted, smiling.

I turn back to the page I was on, "Oh, don't forget that we have dinner at my mom's house on Sunday."

"Oh right! I finally get to meet your parents." Cassidy smirked.

"If it's anything like the last time they were both in a room together, then it's going to be a blast," I paused, "on second thought, maybe we should just skip it?"

Cassidy peered over his book at me, "I don't think so."

I shrugged, "Well, we have a few days to think of an escape plan."

Cassidy chuckles, shaking his head.

Suddenly, Cassidy's phone rings, eliciting some hushing from the people surrounding us.

"Hello?" Cassidy whispers into the phone, "Yeah, alright. Yes."

Cassidy hangs up, looking at me, "It's my mom. I have to go."

"Everything okay?" I asked as he stands up, placing his book back into his backpack.

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow?"

I nodded as he kisses me on the forehead, leaving.


The next day and I am walking up the stairs, in my scrubs, while on the phone with Cassidy.

"Absolutely not!" I laughed, "Oh, okay, sure. Yeah, I'll believe that when I see it. Okay sounds good. I'll meet you down there in twenty. I have to get out of these scrubs from work."

I pushed open the door, hung up, and immediately met Jacq sitting on her bed.

"Oh. Hey." I didn't think she would've been home.

Jacq looks over at me, "Hey! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."

I placed my bag down on my desk, "I know I'm sorry."

Jacq nodded. Then the room fell silent for a moment. Since our last talk, we have made up, but things weren't exactly where they used to be. We had both developed separate lives, hers with Luke and mine with Cassidy, that we barely even spoke, let alone seen each other for the past month.

"So, you're dating Cassidy," Jacq hesitated, breaking the silence, "I saw it coming."

My gaze shot up at her, who was smirking at me.

I chuckled, "you did?"

"Oh yeah, miles away." Jacq smiled, laughing.

My phone dinged. It was Cassidy saying he was downstairs. I looked up at Jacq, who was still staring at me.

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