Chapter Three

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The night breeze was a nice change to the scorching heat that we endured throughout the day. I played with the hem of my skirt, attempting to cover more of my thighs as Jacq and I made our way up the dimly lit sidewalk towards the house. Letting Jacq dress me was a mistake. We hadn't even made it to the house yet, and I was already very uncomfortable with my low cut top and short skirt. 

With each step, the booming of the music's bass became increasingly prominent.

"You ready for this?" Jacq linked our arms.

I took a deep breath, "I think so."

Jacq shook her head, "That's the spirit."

Jacq led the way, pulling me through the crowds of people. The house was busting at the seams with college students. They were everywhere: on the front lawn, porch, on the overhang from the second-story window, and from wall to wall inside.

I mindlessly followed Jacq, who guided me through the house, trying to take in the scene around me. A sudden uproar of screams and chants to my right whipped my head around so fast, almost giving me whiplash.

There was a group of people around a table. On one end, two guys were celebrating, chanting, and pumping their fists into the air, while on the other end, the two guys were chugging the liquid in their red Solo cups.

It felt as the walls were closing in on us as we made our way further into the house. An unsettling feeling of fear washed over me as we continued to pass lingering glances and kisses that were being blown our way from different guys as we brushed past them. I lowered my head and stayed focus on following Jacq as we made our way into the kitchen.

"Lily!" Jacq waved.

I let out a huge sigh of relief when I saw Lily and her friends that we met before hanging out in the kitchen. 

"We found you!" Jacq let go of my hand and hugged Lily.

Thank god. 

"You guys came!" I could still remember the smell of the vapors of alcohol coming from her breath as Lily pulled me in for a hug.  

"You met everyone already, right?" Lily motioned to everyone behind her, either sitting on the counter or standing next to it. 

"I think so," I admitted. I remember a few of her friends, but I am not sure if this was the same group as before.

"This is Tom, Luke, June," Lily looked around the room, "Chrissy is here somewhere, flirting with who knows." She laughed.

Luke and Tom were in similar Hawaiian shirts, with only the middle button done, exposing their toned torsos. 

June smiled my way, her eyes trailed downward, taking in my outfit. I didn't think it was possible, but she made me feel more uncomfortable in this outfit than I already was. 

I used this opportunity to take in hers. She was wearing ripped jeans and a tight no shoulder red top. Honestly, if it were up to me, I would have shown up in leggings and a sweatshirt. 

"So, ladies, is college everything you hoped and dreamed of so far?" Luke's asked, grabbing both Jacq's and my attention. 

"Well, we just got here," Jacq stated. I was learning very quickly that she was not someone that you could pass things over easily. She was' t someone that would take any shit from anyone, either. I liked that about her. 

Luke made some sny remarks back towards Jacq, which set her off further, and tease him about his shirt.

I grabbed the only spot I saw and sat down on the countertop next to Lily as I watched Jacq and Luke bicker with one another. 

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