- Prologue -

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In eleven years people change a lot; their faces, their hair, their eyes, their noses, their mouths, their bodies in general changes, their heights and their weight. Now let me ask you a question; Have you ever been told you look more like a Weasley than your own twin brother? No? Well it happened to me and it still happens to me, every time we go out in public together. People will ask "What's a Malfoy doing with a blood-traitor Weasley?" Of course those comments were never said out loud, they were always whispered and I somehow managed to hear them, they don't know how much it pains me. And it doesn't pain me because I get compared to a Weasley, it pains me because I don't get compared to my big brother. I want to be like him so much. People are just too quick to judge other people, but I have feelings and it affects me a lot. That's why, as a Malfoy, I will try my best to befriend anybody, their bloodlines do not matter to me. Of course I would never say this out loud, I am too afraid of my father to do that. However I do have a wish you see and that wish is for anyone - muggles and wizards alike - to live in perfect harmony, to live in peace and to stop all prejudice against anyone in our society. I know it's a big wish and that's also the reason I only have one.

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