- Chapter 1 -

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I was finally going to Hogwarts. Of course father wanted to send us to Durmstrang Institute, who only accepts purebloods and it's mostly male population. My mother refused saying that I wouldn't be comfortable going to a school surrounded by boys - if only she knew I wasn't interested in them - and that she wanted to continue the family legacy of being sorted into Slytherin. My father was okay with my mother's request I guess since we are standing on the platform 9 ¾. Draco was already gone in the train having said his goodbye to mother and father, it's my turn now.

"Mother? Father? What will happen if I'm not sorted into Slytherin?" I asked them after giving them their goodbye hugs, looking at the ground.

They looked at each other before my mother crouched down to my eye level. "Honey, we will be sad of course because we know you have all the qualities of a Slytherin. On the other hand, I also know that you have the wits of a Ravenclaw. So let me tell you this, if you get into any of those two houses I will be proud to call you my daughter." She gave me a small peck on the top of my head. I looked at my father waiting to see if he agreed with what my mother just said. He nods his head with the smallest smile as he pats my head - it's his way of saying that he agrees with her. I smile and wave at them while running to get on the train before it leaves the station.

Once on the train, I make my way to the Slytherin section because that's probably where Draco is. And he was. He's sitting with other first years. I knock on the door, a well stuffed guy answers the door and starts laughing pointing his fat finger at me. "Looks like there's a lost Weasley here."

"Shut up and sit down, you idiot." My brother ordered, getting up, taking my hand in his. "She's not a Weasley, you nutter. Everyone met Hailey, my twin sister."

I smile at them and sit in the only empty spot left. It was next to a girl, she wasn't the prettiest, but she wasn't the ugliest either. "Hi. I'm Pansy Parkinson, nice to meet you." She smiled at me.

She then turned to look at my brother. "Draco? When you said you guys didn't look alike, I didn't think you guys would be that different." Wow... I thought she was kind of pretty, but her personality is garbage.

"Pansy! I also told you not to talk about this in front of her. She gets really emotional when we talk about this." Draco angrily whispered at her. I was probably not supposed to hear this, but I still did.

I wiped away a tear that I didn't manage to hold back and got ready to leave the compartment we were sitting in. "Where are you going?" My brother asked me.

I gave him a fake smile. "Just going for a walk. I don't feel like staying seated all the way." I quickly looked at Parkinson then back at him hoping he catches what I'm trying to say. He nods and continues to talk with the rest of the guys.

I walk out with my bag and walk around hoping to find someone alone or maybe a compartment with only a couple of students in it. After walking for who knows how long, I see a girl with an uncontrolled mane get out of a compartment. She looks sad, maybe even angry. I walked by her smiling and once she was out of sight, I knocked on the same door she exited.

"Bet it's the annoying girl again?" A boy asked before opening the door.

"Hello!" I say cheerfully "My name is Hailey and I have nowhere to sit. Mind if I sit with you guys?" I asked with my charming smile.

He nods and moves out of the way so I could come in. "My name is Ronald Weasley by the way, but everybody calls me Ron." he says, once I'm sitting. I finally met a Weasley and honestly I don't understand why my father can't stand them. He's so friendly.

"And I'm Harry, Harry Potter." The other boy in the compartment said with a timid smile. I can't believe it, I'm talking with The Harry Potter, the guy who killed the Dark Lord. The guy who can help me with my wish, I thought it would take more time to be able to actually talk to him. I smile back at him, letting him know I heard him and that I have acknowledged him.

Ron awkwardly coughed, wanting to have the attention back on him. "Um... You don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but wha--"

"What's my last name?" I cut him off bluntly, leaving him surprised. He nodded, wanting me to answer. "Malfoy." I told them looking at the floor. I know the rivalry between our two families. I only hope he doesn't start screaming at me to get out.

"Really? You don't look or act like one." he stated. Yeah, no shit Sherlock, I'm trying not to.

"I know, but yes I am a Malfoy. Not a proud one like my twin brother nor as mean either, I'm a Malfoy nonetheless. However I do not care about our family's rivalries, blood status and so many other things my family cares about." I stated proudly, smiling at the sudden confidence boost.

"Really? That's awesome!" Ron says jumping out of his seat and giving me a big hug. "Then let's be friends !?" He exclaims happily.

I hug him back, but shake my head no. "I would love to, Ron, but our family's rivalry says we can't." I told him, whipping a tear away. He doesn't know how much I would want to.

"You just said you didn't care about those things. Why are girls so complicated?" He mumbled to himself.

I giggled at his comment and looked out the window. "You're right, I really couldn't give more of a crap, honestly. But I also don't have a death wish. I would like to grow old, get married, have a family," That part is going to be troublesome. "maybe even live long enough to see my grandchildren. I'm not saying I refuse your friendship. I'm just saying not right now. Ask me again in the future and I'll try to give you a different answer." I looked at him in the end. He looks confused, but nods nonetheless. I turn myself and look at Harry. "Same goes to you, Harry. I'll see you guys later, for we have arrived at Hogwarts." I said getting up and leaving the compartment and the train. 

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