- Chapter 10 -

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TW: Non-consensual touching (in a bordely sexual way, but also not sexual if it make sense), manipulation, borderline rape, mention of sex (without saying the actual word), over exageration of toxic masculanity (hope I spelled it right)

A/N: There might be more that I simply don't see, so please tell me if there is something that you find triggering. I'll add it to the list. Thank you!

~ December 8th, 1994

I had a pretty boring week. Ginny barely spoke to me and when she did she sent Luna to deliver the message.

Today is Friday and school is just getting more boring as we near the Christmas break. Draco wanted me to hangout with him and his friends since I barely do that anymore. I said I'll join just because I had nothing else to do.

He told me to meet them in their common room. I walked in since Draco always updates me about the passwords. However no one was present. "Weird. Where are they?" I whispered to the empty living area.

"They left for the Quidditch ground..." A thick bulgarian accent spoke from behind me. "Just like they promised." I barely heard that part, but it was said.

"Who are you?" I asked the tall guy once I had turned around.

"Ivan Andonov. My beautiful Hailey." He said, kissing my hand, looking into my eyes.

I slowly took my hand away from him. "Nice to meet you? What did you mean by 'just like they promised.'? I asked him, backing a little from him.

He moved closer to me. "I made them distract Malfoy so I could shoot my shot with you." By the end of his crazy sentence, I was backed into a wall. "Nothing can stop me now." He whispered into my ear.

I shuddered and tried to push him away. He immediately walked even closer to me, caging me in with his arms. "Please stop." I whispered, looking anywhere but at him.

"I can't Princess. When I have my eyes on something or someone. I just have to have it all to myself. Right now, you're the thing I want." He placed one of his hands on my waist.

"Stop... Please. I don't want this." I took his hand away from my waist. Only for him to place it back on my body.

"I don't care what you say. I'm the man here, you must listen to me and do as I say." He harshly told me, while biting on my ear.

I started crying. It was useless, I couldn't do anything. I wasn't strong enough to push him away. I wish someone would just walk in and save me from him.

"Come on, we're going back to my sleeping quarters. No one's there, I'll be able to have as much fun as I want with you." He took my hand and dragged me to the door. "When we are in the corridors I don't want you to scream for help and if someone sees us just say -" He was cut off before he could finish his instructions.

"You will do nothing and bring my sister nowhere." My brother said from behind him, with his wand to Andonov's head.

"Screw you Malfoy. I'm taller and big-" Draco stops his rambling with a stunning jinx.

"Zabini throw him outside and request a password change from Snape." Draco ordered his best friend.

Blaise walked outside, dragging Andonov with him.

"How are you?" Draco asked once we were alone in the living area.

I started crying harder than before and threw myself in his arms. "I feel gross." I managed to get out.

"What did he do?" He whispered, rocking back and front.

I calmed down before answering. I explained everything that happened.

By the time I was done, Blaise was back in. "I have the new password." He sat down next to us.

"What is it?" Draco and I asked together.

"That's creepy..." He shivered. "In four years it's the first time I hear you guys talking at the same time. And it's Potentia. Snape wants us to tell the others. I'll go and you can join me when Hailey feels better." He said while side-hugging me.

I got up. "I think I'll skip dinner. I'll take a warm bath and get some rest."

"I'll walk you to your room." He gently offered, taking me on his back.

"Thanks." I whispered in his hair.

* Draco's P.o.V *

"That bastard! I'll talk to Viktor about this." I angrily thought while bringing my sister to her dorm.

Once I put her down, she hugged me, not caring that some Ravenclaw could see us. I, of course, hugged her back because I know she really needs it. "Stay safe. I'll see you tomorrow morning." I lowly told her.

She pulled away and smiled, a tear falling from her eye. "I'll be fine... Go do what Snape wants you to do."

"Okay. Rest well."

With one last nod she turned around, answered the riddle and walked in her dormitory.

For the rest of the afternoon, I walked around telling every Slytherin I saw the new password and telling them to spread the word.

Then came dinner time.

I sat with my crew, some of the Durmstrang boys joined us. Andonov stayed far away.

"Hey, Viktor?" I started the conversation with said boy.

"Yea?" He answered.

"Tell Andonov to stay the hell away from my sister. If I see him close to her again, I'll kill him." I threatened dangerously.

"What did he do?" He asked in a knowing voice.

"The bastard was touching my sister even after she demanded for him to stop." I angrily replied, accidentally snapping my fork.

Before any of the guys at the table could add something. Weaslette walked over to us.

"Malfoy. Where's Hailey?" She asked.

I hesitated before answering. "She wasn't feeling well this afternoon, so I told her to relax and skip dinner for tonight." I lied to her. Hailey will probably tell her the truth.

"Oh, okay. Thanks for the info, Malfoy." She waved and left the dining hall.

"Why did you answer that blood-traitor?" Pansy asked me, hugging my arm tightly.

"Whether you like it or not. Weaslette is Hailey's best friend. She wanted info and if Hai knew I didn't give it to her when she asked, she would have slapped me and ignored me for a month." I shuddered at the idea of it actually happening. 

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