- Chapter 6 -

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- Year 4 -

We are back in school already. Ginny and I haven't talked since The Quidditch World Cup, it was last week. Maybe I went too far by kissing her on the forehead, I should have just stayed with the hug. She probably hates me now. I tried to talk to her with our communication bracelets, but she never answered.

We were sitting in the Great Hall. I wasn't sitting next to Luna, at the Ravenclaw table like I usually do. No, I was sitting at the Slytherin table with Draco, Pansy, Blaise, Dumb 1 and Dumb 2. I didn't want to sit with Luna because she always has a way of finding out what is wrong, it doesn't matter what it is she will find out, she is also Ginny's friend and I don't want to ruin their friendship.

"Hailey?" Pansy waved her hand in front of my face to get my attention. I was looking at Ginny again, she was laughing with the twins and the golden trio.

Without looking away from the Gryffindor table, I nodded my head and simply answered with a little "Yeah?"

"Why are you looking at the Gryffindor table? Do you like a guy from that house?" she asked in her excited girl voice. Like I would tell you I like Ginny...

"Haha very funny Pansy. No, I do not have a crush on a guy." I said looking at her. Oops I almost told her, maybe she wont understand what I really mean.

However, before she could respond to my comment. Prof. Dumbledore took the stage to give the annual start of the term announcements. I wasn't listening because I thought it was going to be the same as last year. Turns out I was wrong, the whole school was screaming about something being unfair and total rubbish. "Draco, I wasn't listening. What did he say?"

"No Quidditch." He answered bitterly. I know that the bitterness was not toward me, but at the fact that there was going to be no Quidditch this year.

I didn't say anything back, knowing it's better not to talk back when he's moody. I looked at Dumbledore, there needs to be a good reason if he is canceling Quidditch.

"Silence!" The students in the Great Hall suddenly became mute, ready to listen to the Head master. "There will be no Quidditch this year seeing as we are bringing back an old event... The Tri-wizard Tournament." Everybody was cheering now, talking about putting their names in the cup and who they think should put their names in. I turned my attention out of the Headmaster's speech and everyone else as well. I didn't care about what they said or this event, I had other things to think about.

"Now, please welcome the charming ladies of Beauxbatons Academy of magic and their Head mistress Madame Maxime." That brought me back from my thoughts. Maybe there is a girl prettier than Ginny. I looked at them, they all are pretty and veelas, meaning their beauty is fake, plus Ginny is still prettier than them. God I can't believe I'm still thinking about her. I need to find someone else to like, it's obvious she doesn't like me back.

"And now the proud sons from the North, Durmstrang Institute of magic and their Headmaster Igor Karkaroff." I looked at them too, not interested. Yes they are quite well built I must say so myself. However that doesn't change the fact that I am just not interested in guys.

"All the entries must be made before October 31st, in other words before the Hallowe'en feast. All students under the age of seventeen will not be able to put their names in the cup... Now off to bed, you have classes tomorrow." And with that, all teachers left with the Headmaster.

Everyone was gone now, but I stayed thinking about what to do now. Do I go back to Ravenclaw tower and see Luna or do I go to the Slytherin dungeon and sleep in their common room? Draco gave me the password to go in. Before I could make my choice, I sensed a person standing in front of me. I looked up, it was Ginny. She probably just wanted to give me back the bracelet and tell me to stay away. I can't believe I ruined a perfect friendship with just one small action.

"Hailey?" She said sitting in front of me. "Are you alright? You like pale, well paler than usual."

I looked at her in the eyes, her eyes showed how concerned she really was. Maybe I didn't lose a friend after all. Few tears fell down my eyes, traveling down my cheeks. "Yeah, I'm fine Ginny." I gave her a shy smile.

When she saw that I was crying, she jumped over the table to give me a hug. "Are you sure?" she whispered in my hair. I nodded, biting my lips to stop myself from screaming out of joy. I didn't lose her and she still cares about me. "Then why are you crying?" she asked, releasing me from her embrace.

"I thought I lost someone dear to me. Turns out I was just imagining things." I smiled a real big one too and wiped the tears off my face. "We should go to bed now. We are out past curfew." I told her, getting up and giving her my hand to help her up too. She took it and started walking, lacing our fingers together. I blushed a little and looked at her, she was blushing too. Maybe she does have the same feelings as I have.

We walked hand in hand until we were at the Gryffindor tower. "Night Gin." I smiled at her still blushing a bit, our hands intertwined together.

"Night Hai." She replied, taking her hand out of mine and giving me a small kiss on the cheek.

I waved and walked away, in the distance I heard "You never lost me, idiot." Maybe I was just hallucinating.  

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