- Chapter 11 -

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A/N: An extra long chapter since I had a major writing block and didn't post for a month. I'll try to be back on regular Monday posting next week.

When I woke up the next morning, I was in a better mood knowing I was going to be spending the day with Ginny.

I decided that even if it was cold outside we could take a walk around the Black Lake and chat about everything and anything.

I got dressed and walked to the Grand Hall for breakfast and before I could even sit I was engulfed into a group hug. Ginny and Luna were hugging the life out of me.

"Can't breathe." I told the girls.

They released me and sat me on the bench. "Is it true?" Ginny asked from next to me.

"Is what true?" I asked back, confused by her question.

"Andonov." Luna said.

I paled. I was worried rumours would start if Draco talked to Viktor, which he probably did. "Care to elaborate a tad more?"

Ginny cleared her throat. "Not sure actually. The rumor is that Draco wants to kill him. So we assumed it was related to you."

I was happy no one knew the real reason. "Oh." I faked my shock. "I have no clue what it's about." I told my best friend, before getting some breakfast.

They both nodded, deciding to not push it. "What are your plans today?" I ask them both.

"I'm studying today. What about you, Ginny?" Luna answered.

"I have nothing planned. Maybe I'll hang out with my brothers. You, Hailey?" She said, while shrugging her shoulders.

"I have something this afternoon with the twins, but that's all." I said not knowing if they would actually help me. "Ginny, wanna hangout after dinner?"

She nodded. "Yeah. But what are you planning with the twins. I didn't know you were friends with them."

"It's just a small favor I want to ask them." I answered back, looking at the gryffindor table. "Looks like I have to leave. See you later." I said when I saw the twins get up and leave the Hall.

I ran after the two, but it's like they knew I was gonna look for them because they were just standing with their arms crossed in front of the doors.

"Looking for us Malfoy?" They asked at the same time.

"Yeah, actually. I need help with something." I told them, walking closer to them.

"It's gonna cost ya." One of them said.

"I'm willing to pay."

"We heard the rumours. You want revenge on Andonov?" The other asked.

"Okay... maybe two favors then." I stated.

"The one for Andonov is free if you tell us what it's really about."

I looked away. "I prefer to pay for both then tell what happened."

"It's a freebie little Malfoy." The first one said, "Just by your face, I can tell he will deserve what we'll bring to his table." He smirked looking at his twin.

"Thanks." I sighed. "Now the other favor." I took a big breath in. "Can you make sure no one spies on Ginny and I tonight?"

They laughed and when they saw I was serious they stopped. "You're not joking?" they asked at the same time.

"No. I've been trying all year to ask her an important question, but we always get disturb." I exclaimed, then whispered. "Or I chicken out."

"Oh Malfoy. You need to up your game." The twin on the left said. "But we will be your bodyguards if you really want us to."

"At what cost?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"You guys start dating, we want to be the first to know." They answered.

"What makes you think that's what I want to ask?" I panicked.

"It's obvious. But it's okay. We support you guys. Now deal?" They took their hands out for me to shake.

"Deal." I shook their hand with a small smile. "Just don't tell anyone." I walked away.

"Promise." They yelled in the corridors.

I turned around wanting to tell them they don't have to yell, just to see they were already gone. "Weird."

For the rest of the day I planned how I would ask Ginny to the ball. I practice pickup lines and reactions in case she rejects me.

By dinner time I was so excited I could barely stay in place.

"How was your day, girls?" I ask my two best friends.

"I learned new things about new fantastic beasts." Luna replied in her dreamy voice.

"Cool. You, Gin?" I looked at the ginger next to me.

"I played games in the common room with my brothers. What about you?" She asked back.

"I talked with your brother a bit and then planned our evening together." I said with a smile.

"I can't wait then." She said.

We ate dinner quickly, then we went in separate ways to get dressed and met at the doors in front of the lake.

We walked in silence hand in hand since no one else was outside. The silence was calming, but I had a mission.

"Hey, Ginny. Who are you going to the ball?" I asked her.

"I can't." She replied, shaking her shoulders. "Remember... Only students in year four or over can go. The younger ones can go if they're invited and I haven't been asked yet. What about you?"

"I plan on going. I still don't have anyone to go to the dance with..." I looked at the lake.

She made a surprised sound. "Uh? I'm surprised. I heard a tone of boys saying they were going to ask you."

"I declined the invites I received." I told her. She looked at me, silently asking me why. "Because I want to go with someone special. I still haven't asked them and they haven't asked me either. I'm just worried, you know?"

"Yeah..." She whispered. "I wish you luck in inviting them." She told me. "I'll get going, it's pretty chilly outside."

I watched her walk away. I'm losing her again. "Ginny!" I called out her name, making her turn around. "Goodnight!" I yelled.

Her face fell. "Yeah, you too!" She yelled back.

"Idiot!" I screamed once I was alone, or so I thought.

"Yeah you really are." The twins appeared behind me.

"Goodnight, really?" The one on the right asked me.

"I panicked." I exclaimed sitting in the snow.

"Yeah we saw that." The other said.

"There's one more Saturday before the ball. I'll have to ask her then or else I'll be going alone." I sigh, laying on the ground closing my eyes.

"You'll catch a cold if you sleep outside, little Malfoy." One of them said.

"Let me freeze to death. It would be way better than having to face her tomorrow. I practiced all day today too. Just for me to say goodnight."

"It was pretty," One started. "Spectacular." The other finished for his twin.

"Yeah." I laughed. "I tried, I guess." I got up. "Goodnight guys and thank you."

As I walked away I heard the guys fake squeal like a schoolgirl. "You heard her, Fred? She said goodnight to us. That's a secret code for 'do you want to go to the ball with me?'" I laughed and stopped in my tracks to see if the other would answer his twin.

And he did. "Oh. My. Gryffindor! George, that's amazing. Quick, answer her before she runs away." Fred told him in an even more high pitched voice.

"Hailey!" I heard George yell. "I'll go to the ball with you." Then I heard both of them laugh. I giggled to myself.

"Yep I was totally stupid to trust them, but I think I have more confidence now." I told myself before continuing on my way back inside.

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