Chapter 10

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Over the next week Leah was constantly on edge and full of worry

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Over the next week Leah was constantly on edge and full of worry. Every time she tried to call Sam's phone, it went straight to voicemail. I felt bad for her, I don't know what I would do if Paul was going through the same situation and I couldn't get ahold of him.

Something I found a little strange was that over the past week, dad was barely home. I asked mom where he goes but she just says that he's with Uncle Billy. I went to go hang out with Jacob yesterday since I haven't hung out with him in a few weeks. When I asked where his dad was he said that he was with my dad but none of us knew where or what they were doing.

I'm not sure what it is but something fishy is going on.

Luckily today is Monday which means that Sam comes back. Leah was such a nervous wreck that she spent the night.

"I am so nervous Gem," She tells me as she starts to get ready.

I give her a smile, "Relax Le, everything is going to be fine. He's going to be ecstatic to see you. It's been a week since he's seen your gorgeous face."

She laughs lightly at me, "I'm excited to see him too. It's just that I don't know how I should act around him."

I sit next her on the bed and take one of her hands in mine, "Leah, you don't need to act any different. Dad just said that he's going to be different. We just need to make sure he avoids anything to make him upset. Which means don't talk about his mom or anything like that. Okay?"

She nods.

Leah catches a ride to school with me and Paul. She wanted to drive but I don't think she would have been able to concentrate on the road with how her nerves are right now. When we pull into the school parking lot, Leah grabs my arm. I look to see where she's looking and see Sam leaning against his truck.

When we get out, I can see a little worry in his eyes but smiles when Leah starts to walk towards him.

Paul and I hang back letting them have some alone time.

I couldn't help the huge smile that spread across my face when he pulls her in close and attacks her lips. My heart swelled at the sight. Paul takes my hand and leads me towards the school entrance, "Come on babe, we'll see them at lunch and we can talk to them then." I don't say anything but walk with him.

Taking one more look at my sister I smile. Things are going to be just fine with them.


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