Chapter 11

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It has been two weeks since Sam graduated

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It has been two weeks since Sam graduated.

Two weeks since Leah's cousin Emily came to La push for the summer.

Two weeks since Sam looked at Emily in a way he should only look at Leah.

These past two weeks have driven me absolutely insane. I so badly wanted to talk to Leah about it but Paul told me that it would only blow up in my face and I know that he's right about that. I don't know why Sam was looking at Emily like that. It was just a look right?

Today Leah and Emily were going to come over so we could talk to dad about using the house in Hawaii for a week at the end of June. I'm really hoping that dad says it's ok. It would be nice to get away with Paul and everyone. It's also the same week of our six-year anniversary so it would be nice to do something with just us two.

I was sitting on the back porch strumming my guitar trying to find a good harmony for mine and Paul's song that I think I almost have down when Leah and Emily come up.

"Wow that sounds beautiful, I didn't know you could play and sing Gemma," Emily says sitting on the chair next to me.

"She doesn't just sing," Leah says jumping in, "She sings her own songs."

Emily looks at me impressed, "Wow, you are very talented." I give her a smile, "Thanks."

"Is that the song that's going to be the death of you?" Leah asks with her cocky little smirk. I roll my eyes at her but smile, "Yes, but I think I almost have it. I'm still working on it though."

"What song is it?" Emily asks.

"I've been working on one for me and Paul for almost a year. I can come up with songs within minutes or a few days, but this one is like pulling tooth and nail."

"Aww that's sweet. I'm sure when it's complete Paul will love it no matter what." I smile at her in thanks.

"How long have you two been together?"

"It'll be six years June 28th, but we've known each other since we could crawl but I knew that I loved him then."

Emily puts her hand over her heart, "I wish I could find someone to love me like you two do."

"What about me and Sam?" Leah asks looking at her cousin. I look at Emily's face to see her reaction and notice her face turn a little pink, "Yeah...of course like you and...Sam." Leah smiles. Did she not notice the hesitation in her voice or was that just me.

"I'm going to raid your kitchen, do ya'll want anything?" Leah asks heading to the door.

"Cream soda for me." I tell her and Emily shakes her head.

As she goes inside, Emily looks at me smiling, "Does she always do that without asking?"

I laugh lightly, "Yeah, I do the same at her house. We're practically sisters. Did you know that we were born just minutes apart?"

My Spirit Warrior ~ Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now