Chapter 3

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The summer was spent consistently with Paul and Leah

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The summer was spent consistently with Paul and Leah. You never seen me without one or the other. I also got to know Sam a lot better since he was always with Leah unless we were having girl time. He would be graduating this year since he's a year older than us.

I've never seen Leah as happy as she was with Sam. I could tell that they were deeply in love. I couldn't be happier for my sister. She never said anything but I was always able to tell that she wanted what Paul and I had. Paul was happy for her as well. We would always do double dates, or hang out together on the beach.

As much as I loved all of us hanging out, it was always my favorite time when it was just Paul and I. We were always laughing and having fun together. Things were still pretty heated with us but still didn't go to far. Of course my mom had to have the talk with me again but she said that dad was the one who is pressuring her to make sure his precious gem keeps her innocence.

The Talk

I was laying across bed working on a song when I hear a small tapping on the door. I look up and smile when I see my mom. We've bonded a lot more since we've been back. I think it's because for once we are both extremely happy to be back. I know she wouldn't admit it to dad but I know that like me, she knows where her real home is.

"Hey sweetie, mind if I come in?" I smile at her sitting up making room for her, "Sure."

She takes my song book into her hands and skims over the lyrics that I have so far. It's a song I've been working on for me and Paul but I still haven't gotten it just right.

"This is beautiful so far," She tells me.

I shrug my shoulders, "I've been working on it for so long. I can't seem to get it just right. I've had songs done in a day but this one...ahh it's just aggravating."

She laughs, "It's because you're so much in love with him sweetie that it makes your brain kind of go into mush. I use to write poetry all the time but when it came to write something about your dad, it took me forever."


She nods, "Yes really. You'll eventually get it and when it's done, it will be a beautiful piece and Paul will absolutely love it."

I sigh, "I really hope so."

"Speaking of Paul..." She became hesitant. This caught my attention.

"Mom what's wrong?"

She sighs, "I know we've had the talk before but..."

"Mom please don't tell me that we're going to have this talk again."

She laughs, "I'm sorry sweetie but your father is stressing about you two. In his exact words, 'I'm not there to make sure she stays out of trouble. You need to have the talk with her. I will not have my precious gem lose her innocence to that boy.'"

"Does he not like Paul or trust us?" I ask nervously .

"No, no sweetie, he likes Paul he just knows hormones get and that it can be difficult to fight temptation."

I couldn't help but giggle. "Mom, I'm still a virgin and don't plan on having sex for a while."

She seems to release a breath that she was holding. "I'm glad to hear that but I still want you to be careful and I know its hard, but try to wait until you're married."

"We will when it comes to that time mom I promise. But can you honestly tell me you waited until you and dad were married?"

She bit her lip and turned away. "Uh huh that's what I though," I say giggling.

"Ok we didn't wait but I still want you to be careful and wait as long as possible please."

I pull her into a hug, "Of course mom and tell daddy to stop stressing, I will always be his precious little gem." We both start laughing.

Paul's face was priceless when I told him about that. He didn't really have the talk talk with his dad. He just gave him a box of condoms saying, "unless you plan on making me a grandfather while you're still in school, wrap it." I couldn't help but laugh at that. Jason definitely had a way with words.

School was going to be starting soon and I was getting more and more excited the closer it got. No one else was as excited as me but they were happy to have me going back with them.

Paul, Leah, Sam, Jared, and I were on the beach talking about school. "I don't know about everyone else but I'm anxious to see how Paul's fan club is going to react seeing him with his arms around Gem. They are going to pitch a fit." This had Sam and Jared laughing.

"Fan club?" I ask looking at Paul.

"It's nothing, just a bunch of girls who think they can get with me. They've been heavily informed that I'm not available but they can't take a hint." He explains shrugging his shoulders. I wasn't worried. I know Paul would never do anything to hurt me.

"It also doesn't help that they have never seen the so-called girlfriend they're always hearing about so they have a hard time believing him," Jared says, "But I bet their jaws will be hanging open when they see you two together."

"Yes, it will be quite entertaining," Sam chuckles.

"Well, I can't wait to make them all jealous," I say leaning into Paul. "So Sam are you excited to be a senior?" I ask.

He shrugs, "I'm just looking forward to finally finishing school."

The guys nod in agreeing. "Yeah, you're lucky you only have one year left while we still have two," Jared wines.

We all laugh at his pitiful face.

The rest of the afternoon was spent out there in the sun.

Starting tomorrow we would all be back in school and I couldn't wait.

Starting tomorrow we would all be back in school and I couldn't wait

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