Chapter 23

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When I woke up in the morning I was surprised to see that I was in my room instead of in the middle of the woods

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When I woke up in the morning I was surprised to see that I was in my room instead of in the middle of the woods. I wonder how I even got back here. I doubt the wolf carried me in his mouth and brought me home. I mentally laugh at myself trying to picture that.

I hear a soft knock on my door before it opens revealing mom with a plate of food. I didn't realize just how hungry I was until my stomach started to growl. Mom laughs softly, "Figured you would be hungry since you didn't have dinner last night," She tells me as she hands me the plate of scrambled eggs, toast, and bacon.

I take a bite of the toast and nod. "How did I get home?" I ask after swallowing.

She sighs, "Jared found you while going for a run through the woods. He said you were curled up in a ball crying in your sleep. He tried to wake you up but it was useless." I nod not knowing what to say.

I guess when the wolf heard Jared he took off.

"What happened Gemma?" She asks concerned.

I lean back against my head-board looking at the ceiling, "It's just the same old stuff that's been going on this week."

"Does it have anything to do with the scrapbook?" I look at her confused. "We heard something bang on the door and found it on the porch."

"Yeah, when I saw it there when I got home I got upset and threw it before taking off."

She takes my hand giving it a squeeze, "I'm sorry baby girl. I know this is hard for you." I know she means well right now but I didn't want to talk about this anymore. I just wanted to stay in bed all day listening to my ipod.

"Mom, I just want to be alone today." Understanding she nods, "Ok, I'll bring up your meals today." She kisses my forehead before leaving.

After I finish eating my breakfast, I place the plate on my night stand and get up to take a shower since I was still in my clothes from yesterday.

When I get out of my steaming hot shower, I get dressed and grab my ipod and play my bad day playlist which consisted of sad songs and instrumental music. When I hit play, I curl up on my side staring out my window with my stuffed wolf clutched to my chest with a few tears escaping.

I stayed like that thinking about everything that has happened between me and Paul, before and after all of this. I didn't realize how long I stayed like that until mom walked in bringing me some lunch. She doesn't say anything as she switches my plates out. When I go to take a bite of my sandwich, I notice the scrapbook on my desk.

I get up and grab it bringing it back to the bed with me. As I eat, I slowly flip through it again. I smiled at some of the ridiculous pictures of us and let a few tears roll with some of the emails and letters. When I'm finished going through it, I close it and hold it to my chest as the tears freely flow down my face.

As the last song ends and merges into the next one, my heart just stops. It's I Won't Give Up by Jason Mraz. I remember when I was having a bad day when I still lived in Hawaii and was missing Paul like crazy and wondered how long the long distance would work between us; Paul sent me this song in an email. I still remember what his email said.

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