Chapter 9

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"I don't know how the hell you manage to do this Gem," Paul complains

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"I don't know how the hell you manage to do this Gem," Paul complains.

"Are you kidding me? This isn't even the hard stuff, this is just basic," I look over at my boyfriend who is straining.

"Well basic or not, I can't do it!" He yells right before he falls down onto his stomach on his green yoga mat...yes a yoga mat. I suggested that Paul should do some yoga with me to help give him some peace to that hot head of his. Today was the first day for him and he couldn't do a simple downward facing dog.

I stand up looking down at him as he keeps his face buried into the floor.

"Come on, you can't give up," I tell him as I nudge his side with my foot. "I can and I will," he says lifting his head to look at me. "Paul, this is just the first day. Please give me at least a week before you decide for sure."

He puts his head back on the floor releasing a deep huff. I smile knowing that I won. I probably wouldn't have cared if he was just doing it to try it but after he almost broke one of Sam's friends arms for talking to me...ok he was flirting but that is besides the point. He almost broke his arm! I don't mind jealous Paul, but I won't have him breaking people's bones.

That's why I suggested this because he can be so hot-headed. Plus it gives us something to do together.

After I finally get Paul to do a whole...session I guess, we went to go get a snack but my front door flies open making both Paul and I jump.

"Gemma!" A frantic Leah calls out. I run straight to her to make sure she is ok. She has never sounded so panicked.

"Leah, what's wrong?"

"It's Sam." I automatically start having a bunch of scenarios go through my head. Did he hurt her? Was he hurt? Is he in the hospital or dead?

"What about Sam?" Paul asks making me jump a little, I almost forgot he was here through Leah's panic.

"He's...I don't know how to phrase it...freaked, beyond pissed off, hulk angry?"

If this was any other time I would have laughed at that last one but now is not the time. I take her arm and lead her to the couch to tell us what happened. Ever since we got our tattoo's a couple weeks ago when she told me about Sam acting different, I started to pay more attention and did notice how things set him off easier.

"Ok, so we were at his house watching a movie when his mom walked in. She picked up the remote pausing it telling Sam that she needed to talk to him. I was going to get up to leave but she wanted me to stay because it was good news. Well that guy she's been dating since Halloween asked her to marry him. Sam was happy for her because she deserves to finally be happy but before we could fully congratulate her she said she had some other news." She stops and takes a deep breath.

I was thinking she was about to tell us that she told them that she's pregnant with how she paused.

"She tells us that she's getting married at Niagara Falls in two weeks but they won't be coming back since Sam will be graduating in a month. She's going to leave him the house and everything. Sam didn't really have a reaction to that but then she said that she'll be on her honeymoon in some other country that she won't be here for his graduation."

My Spirit Warrior ~ Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now