Chapter 7

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Thanksgiving and Christmas flew right on by in the blink of an eye and before we knew it, it was February and getting close to Valentine's Day

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Thanksgiving and Christmas flew right on by in the blink of an eye and before we knew it, it was February and getting close to Valentine's Day. I don't think a school year has ever gone by so fast for me. Paul and I's relationship has never been stronger and I don't think I could have ever fallen more in love with him.

A lot of people always say those who spent more of their relationship in a long distance one never works out to well but I never listened to them. I've seen it happen my whole life between my mom and dad and they are the two happiest, most in love people I've ever seen. I always tell myself that I want a love like that for me and Paul and that's what it feels like between us.

At school, girls still didn't stop with the stares and whispering about me and are always trying to throw themselves at Paul but we didn't let it get to us and Paul will always brush them off. I couldn't help but smile every time one of them would stomp their foot when they didn't get their way. I wasn't jealous because I know that Paul wanted me and only me.

Paul on the other hand has become a very jealous boyfriend. He gets jealous all the time and it doesn't go well with his hot-headedness. Once, a guy held open a door for me and I said thank you like any well-mannered girl would do and what does Paul do? He punches him in the face. Like I said, he's very jealous. But you know what? I don't mind it. I love it when he's jealous, I don't know why but it makes me feel even more wanted.

I know that we're only still in high school but we know that we are all that we are ever going to want. We won't let anyone or anything come between us.

Since this would be our first Valentine's actually together, I was hoping that it would special. What we usually did every year was video chat over a meal together. We would always send each other our little gifts but not this year. I wanted to have my song finished for us so I could sing it to him but I swear this song is going to be the death of me.

So instead I decided to make him a scrapbook of us. There were pictures of us from when we were just babies together all the way to today; I even got some screen shots of our video chats. I couldn't be happier that Paul wasn't one of those guys who hated taking pictures. He would sometimes be the one to grab the camera and take pictures of us. There were also hand written letters and emails that he sent me. I wrote down all the important dates inside like: our first meeting, first initiated kiss (from me), being locked in the shed becoming boyfriend and girlfriend, first kiss, etc. I worked on this for almost a month. If he didn't this I will have to kick his ass.

I was working on my English paper when there was a knock on the door. Mom was working at the diner so I went to answer it. Mom didn't really need to work but she needed something to help keep her occupied and busy during the day or she would go crazy.

When I open the door, there was no one there. Strange, they only knocked that one time. As I go to close the door I look down and see a beautiful arrangement of daisies. I pick them up and see that there is a card that read:

My Spirit Warrior ~ Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now