Chapter 13

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"The captain has turned off the seat belt sign" the flight attendant's voice comes over the intercom a while after taking off, "You are now free to roam about the cabin."

I look at Paul to see him looking out the window, I smile at his face

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I look at Paul to see him looking out the window, I smile at his face. He is so amazed with the sight. He's never been on a plane before...well neither has Leah and Jared but I don't think any of them look as cute as he does. I lean over and kiss his cheek to get his attention, "I'm going to go switch seats with Jared." He nods with sad eyes knowing what I'm doing.

I walk to a couple of seats behind me and look at Leah and Jared. Leah is leaning against the window looking out it blankly, Jared meets my eyes with a bit of sadness in them. When I get closer he gets up and lets me sit in his seat as he goes to sit with Paul. Leah doesn't even seem to notice that I'm next to least I thought so.

She brings her hand over and takes my hand in hers and squeezes it gently but continues to look out the window. I lean my head against her shoulder and look out it too. I don't need to say anything, I know that she just needs me to be here with her. I look at her face and the single tear that rolls down her cheek breaks my heart. I know all the pain that is in this one tear and I feel so much for this girl who is holding on to my hand that I love.


"Well?" I snap at Sam.

He doesn't take his eyes off of Leah, "Guys can you please leave?" Sam asks but I scuff. "I'm not going anywhere unless Leah asks me too."

I look back at Leah to see her shake her head telling me to stay but Paul and Jared go inside. Emily starts to walk away but before I tell her to stop, Leah speaks up. "You're not going anywhere Emily," Leah snaps making her freeze where she stood.

Leah walks past me to get in front of Sam.

"What the hell is going on here?" She asks looking back and forth between him and Emily. Sam opens and closes his mouth a couple of times trying to find the words. I wanted to say something but I wasn't unless Leah asked me too.

"Sam you better say something right now!"

"Leah...I love you," Sam starts making me snort. How could he say that when he was about to kiss her cousin? He looks at me for a second but turns back to Leah, "I really do and I don't want to hurt you."

I watch as Leah's body stiffens and Emily doesn't take her eyes off of the ground, "What are you trying to tell me Sam? That you're going to leave me for my cousin?"

He doesn't say anything, just looks at her with sad eyes. "That is it isn't it?" Sam looks down and then back at her and very softly says "Yes." I felt my heart-break at his words for Leah and hatred towards him for what he's doing to her.

"Why? We just celebrated our one year anniversary." She says softly trying to fight the tears.

"I know but you have to understand Leah," Sam starts, "I love her." I swear my heart stopped at his words and they weren't even to me.

My Spirit Warrior ~ Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now