Chapter 2

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When we arrived at the house I nearly ran to the front door

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When we arrived at the house I nearly ran to the front door. I was so happy to finally be back home and actually get to stay here. I could hear everyone laughing as they got out of the truck.

"I think someone is a little excited," mom tells them.

Leah huffs, "Really? Only a little?" Mom gives a small laugh and playfully smacks Leah on the arm. Mom has always looked at Leah like a second daughter, and vice versa with Leah looking at mom like another mom. It was the same way with me and the Clearwater's.

Thinking of them, I couldn't wait to see them as well. I've always called them mom and dad since we were kids and they never minded. It would always make them smile. Then there was Leah's little brother Seth. He was always like the adorable little brother I never had.

"Hurry up mom!" I whined. I didn't have the key.

"Yeah, that's sexy," Paul chuckles. With that said a thought came to my head. If he thought that was sexy, wait till he sees this. I stomp my foot, cross my arms and pout like a kid throwing a fit. This just made the three of them bust out laughing.

Leah comes up to me and pinches my cheek, "Aww look how cute she is! I haven't seen six-year-old Gemma in so long." I couldn't hold up the act anymore and started laughing with them.

"Ok baby girl, here's the key," Mom says handing it to me. As I go to bring the key to the key hole, Paul leans over and whispers in my ear, "That was sexy by the way." His husky voice and breath on my neck made me shiver. I look up at him in the corner of my eye and give him a wink before unlocking the door.

As I walk in and turn on the light I scream and fall back into Paul's chest from all the people in the living room screaming 'surprise'. Paul puts his hands on my shoulders and helps me get steady.

"What...what is this?" I stutter. "Your welcome home party," Paul tells me like it's obvious.

I look at mom to see her smiling at me. "You knew about this? Did you know about them coming to get us at the airport as well?" She laughs, "Yes to this, no to the airport. This was all their idea," She says pointing to Leah and Paul. It completely warmed up my heart that the two people I loved the most would do this for me. I pull them both into a hug, "You two are the best!"

I release them and take a look around the room and smile big at seeing who all was actually here. First was Uncle Billy and Jacob; Rachel and Rebecca left for college a few years ago and I heard that Rebecca got married. Aunt Sarah passed about five years ago after getting hit by a drunk driver. That was hard on all of us. I skip over to Uncle Billy sitting in his lap on his wheel chair and Jacob joins wrapping his arms around me.

"It's going to be great having my favorite niece here all the time," Uncle Billy says making me smile. "Hey, I'm your only niece." He laughs, "That's why you're my favorite." I smile at him and go to the next group I couldn't be happier to see, my other family.

My Spirit Warrior ~ Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now