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We are finally at the end of World Trip Series 3. Thank you for joining Trent and Lav on their journey. Thank you for all your comments and votes! I appreciate it all! Enjoy reading!



After giving our orders to the waiter, he left and then I waited for Lav to come back. But she's been away for fifteen minutes now and our orders have been served. I tried sending her a message, I got nothing—not even a single reply from her. But I remained on my sit and started drinking from the glass.

But suddenly I felt like there's something wrong. That I needed to do something. I left some cash on the table and immediately left, heading to the restroom looking for Lav. When I reached the ladies restroom, I stood outside and waited for her to come back. I hesitated to get inside because that's a breach of privacy.

When a woman was about to get in, I asked her for something.

"Ana ta ha doresu o chaku te naka no menoko o kakunin shite ku dasai ka?" I favoured. (Translation: Would you please check a girl inside wearing a dress?)

She nodded and agreed. "Boku gaya rima su." (Translation: I will)

When she went inside the restroom, my hands are shaking and even though the premises were cold as almost as negative temperature, I was still sweating. A lot. And a moment later when the woman came out of the restroom and her face was a little confused and worried.

"Dareka menoko nook to o hanashi rei maku ka?" she questioned. (Translation: Are you talking about someone a girl?)

I nodded furiously. "Hai. Kanojo ha naka ni i ru noka?"

She then shook her head. "Daremo naka niina i ta bun kanojo ha tatemo no do ko ka ni i mashi taka?" (Translation: No one's inside. Maybe she was somewhere the building?)

"Ii e. Kanojo hako ko ni yuki tsu ta toitta." (Translation: No. She told me she went here.)

"Go men nasa ide mo kanojo hai nai tsu tano desu," she said. (Translation: I'm sorry but she's not. Maybe asked the security.)

I was so disappointed when she said that. When she left me, I immediately look for security so I could ask what's happening. When I finally gotten to talk to a security and they didn't also find her so I asked if we could just look for the security camera. When they talked to the manager, I was lucky to get the permission to see the video and then we just found out what happened.

Before she could even go to the restroom, she was blocked by two guys. They were talking and it seemed like they were talking and Lav was shocked. The other guy left first then Lav followed the guy who was left with her.

I immediately called her phone but it was already turned off. I immediately head to the police station to search for Lav and they immediately took an action. But when we tried looking for her, they were nowhere to be found that a few days later, after asking help to Sasa, we found out that it was her brothers who she left with.

I talk to the police officers to drop the search because we already found out what's happening and I wouldn't move forward to the case.

Lav left most of her things and clothes in my unit. I only believe she got her important things before she took off. Sasa also tried contacting her but she was out of reach. I tried looking for some answers but I don't know where to start. Sasa don't even know why would Lav left abruptly. And why does her brothers were in Japan after all.

Night Life in TokyoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon