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"i am so fucking pissed, you won't believe it!!" the itzy maknae ranted, whisper yelling to her roommate on the phone

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"i am so fucking pissed, you won't believe it!!" the itzy maknae ranted, whisper yelling to her roommate on the phone. lia laughed from the other line, "calm down, tiger. you just need to wait a little longer." she said.

rolling her eyes though she is well aware the other could not see it, yuna replied, "easy for you to say! you're not here! i've been waiting here for four hours d'you know how boring it is?!" she exclaimed again, whining in the process. "calm down, yuns. they'll call you soon enough-"

"shin yuna, we're ready for you. come with me please." one of the staff members instructed, gesturing yuna to follow her.

"now that i think of it, i don't think i want to go." yuna whispered to lia, reminding herself that she has to be 'married' to a random male idol. "i look forward to it!!" lia taunted before ending the call, leaving the fuming yuna pissed as ever. "fucking choi." she cursed before following the staff.

"remember to protect your image." the staff reminded before allowing yuna to step into camera view. internally rolling her eyes, yuna nodded. it was the nth time she heard that statement today. "remember what the pd told you. look behind you when someone taps your shoulder." the staff repeated.

yuna took a deep breath as she heard the director exclaiming, "lights, camera, action!". that's it now all she needs to do is wait. hearing shuffling noises behind her, yuna suspected that's her soon-to-be husband. as she was deep in thought, the guy touched her shoulder, making her look back.

yuna expected to see a tall and handsome male idol— well, hoped. but her hopes and dreams were crushed as she saw that the guy was wearing a mask. laughing in confusion, she asked, "what this?" as she pointed to the guy's mask.

"ah, they made me wear it." he replied. his voice didn't sound unfamiliar, she definitely heard it somewhere. yuna was tall for a woman, but this guy was taller. then it hit her. in the dorms, she always heard ryujin fangirling over a boy group and watching their online concerts.

yuna would watch ryujin dance along to their songs, specifically one that's called runaway. "runaway.. runaway... oh my goodness he's from tomorrow by together, isn't he?" yuna thought as she started to look everywhere but the guy's eyes.

the boy in front of her then started to remove his mask, revealing a foreign-looking guy.

"hello, i'm huening kai from tomorrow by together."


"great job everyone! thats a wrap! you may go home now. remember, come back tomorrow to the designated location that will be sent to you!" the director exclaimed as everyone clapped their hands. the time was 8:00pm in the evening. as the cameras shut off, huening kai's face expressions change immediately.

finding the filming surprisingly fun, yuna decided to approach kai and talk to him regarding the day.

"hey! kai—"

"look, i don't want to be associated with you. heck, i don't even want to be here. so please shut up and never talk to me unless we must." he snapped, cutting yuna off before walking away, leaving the girl pissed and stunned on her place.

"how's your day~ was he handsome? when's the first broadcast?" chaeryeong greeted as yuna opened the door to their dorms looking pissed. chaeryeong's questions stopped when she saw yuna's face and immediately went to her to ask her what's wrong.

"hey, what's wrong? are you okay? what's with the long face?" chaeryeong asked worriedly, sitting down next to yuna who plopped herself down on the couch. "no, i'm not okay. how can i be okay?" yuna exclaimed.

"whoa there! what happened?" she asked. yuna sighed, "it wouldn't have been that bad if i wasn't paired up with a jerk." she exclaimed as she continued kicking air. "hey, explain. you're making no sense." chaeryeong instructed, looking at yuna with worry.

"i didn't want to be there in the first place, but then as we started to record i started to have fun. he was handsome too!" yuna exclaimed. not getting how this is a problem, chaeryeong gestured her to continue.

"i tried to approach him after the shoot, and he shut me off and yelled at me for no reason. what a bastard." she cursed, remembering those hurtful words from the latter.

"what exactly did he say?" chaeryeong asked, looking at yuna with sympathy. "i don't want to be associated with you. shut up and never talk to me unless we must!" yuna answered in a mocking tone, obviously mocking the male.

"honestly what's his problem? i never did anything to him but here he is, throwing hurtful words here and there. who the fuck does he think he is?!" yuna ranted with fist clenched. she swore that the next time they met, she'll punch him in the groin.

sighing at the maknae, chaeryeong said, "stay here i'll get you something to eat. cool down a bit, yuns." she said as she patted the younger's shoulder before disappearing to the kitchen.

not long after, chaeryeong returned with a bowl of ramyeon. "here, eat up." she said as she handed the ramyeon over to yuna. chaeryeong knew damn well that yuna likes to stress eat. that kid is never full, and eats all day everyday. however, yuna doesn't get fat, which is a huge advantage. in other words, eat not gain.

accepting the ramyeon, yuna turned on the tv as she started to slurp on it furiously. chaeryeong could only question the maknae but decided to stay quiet.

the korean drama the two were watching in the room eventually cut off to a commercial break, to where an ldf commercial showed up. to yuna's dismay, it was txt, and hueningkai was included in it. grasping the ramyeon cup really tightly, she threw the half eaten ramyeon to the ground in rage which obviously startled chaeryeong.

"what? what is it? what happened? are you okay?" chaeryeong questioned. laughing bitterly, yuna replied, "there he is. there's the bastard." she said as she pointed towards kai.

—end of chapter two

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