Twenty Three

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guys help i have no idea how this book is gonna end so i've been reading countless stories and webtoons about idols i actually can't do this guys pls suggest an ending you'd like

guys help i have no idea how this book is gonna end so i've been reading countless stories and webtoons about idols i actually can't do this guys pls suggest an ending you'd like

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yuna groaned in frustration as she shivered in the cold, "what do you mean 'you won't let it happen'? fate is inevitable!" she exclaimed.

seeing the female shiver, kai took off his jacket and placed it on yuna's shivering body, "we'll work something out, i promise." he says in a sure manner.

"work something out is easier said than done." yuna retorted, rolling her eyes. the girl sighed before continuing, "you know, maybe we should just break—"

"NO!" kai interrupted, covering yuna's mouth as he exclaimed, "do not finish whatever you are going to say." he said, his hand not leaving yuna's mouth.

the female rolled her eyes, pushing the man's hand away. "if we get in trouble, you are taking full responsibility for this." she stated, unbothered.

hearing this, kai looked disappointed, "well.. i guess i can't force you." he says, a sad look on his face. "if you want to break up, then i guess we should." he said, somehow managing to pull off a bitter smile, but his eyes said otherwise as it had the saddest glance.

yuna gasped, realizing how her statement earlier made it sound like their relationship was one-sided, "no, kai that's not what i—"

"no, it's... it's really okay. goodnight, yuna." the male idol smiled sadly as he turned around and walked away.

yuna stood there frozen, unable to go after the male. kai's figure walked farther and father away until he was gone from yuna's vicinity. subconsciously, a tear rolled down the female's cheeks as she realized she couldn't do anything to stop him.

yuna stood there in a trance until ryujin came out of the house, changed into her pajamas. "hey, what happened? are you just going to stand there?" she asked.

yuna flinched in shock as the jacket kai gave her fell to the ground. "come on, it's freezing." ryujin rolled her eyes as she dragged yuna inside, the youngest not forgetting to take kai's jacket with her.

"so, how did it go?" ryujin asked, handing yuna a carton of milk. yuna chugged down the milk like there's no tomorrow, loud sobs following shortly after.

ryujin cringed, "i guess it didn't go well, did it?" she asked.

"you're the one who showed him this place, aren't you?" yuna yelled, throwing a pillow to ryujin. the older nodded, "well, yeah. i thought you needed to set things straight— communication is the key to relationships, you know." she explained.

yuna shook her head aggressively, "well we set things straight alright, i'm single now!" she yelled, pulling her hair in frustration.

ryujin's eyes widened, "you're... what?" she asked, thinking she misheard. "you heard me! we broke up and we haven't even dated for a month!!" yuna groaned.

"god, i want to punch something right now!!" she yelled.

ryujin sighed and sag beside yuna, throwing her arms over the younger's shoulder, pulling her into a hug, "now, tell me what happened." she sighed as yuna sobbed into her chest.

"eonni, i fucked up, didn't i?" she asked rhetorically.

"i... didn't believe in him. i broke his heart, eonni!!" she yelled, sobbing even louder. "i told him maybe we should just break up even after he went on about how we'll figure something out!" yuna continued.

"the look on his face after i said that... i don't want to remember.." yuna finished, mumbling the last sentence.

ryujin sighed, caressing yuna's hair in a comforting manner, "it's going to be okay, i promise." she said softly. "no, no it's not. how is it going to be okay??" yuna cried.

"we'll work something out—"

"stop!! that's what you all keep saying. but 'working something out' is not guaranteed!!!" yuna yelled, pulling out of ryujin's grasp and storming up the stairs, making the older girl sigh.

"yuna wait—"


the next day came by and yuna wouldn't get out of bed, neither did she want to open the door. poor lia was kicked out of their shared room again and had to stay the night on the sofa.

"yuna, open the door, please?" lia groaned as she knocked the door for what feels like the thousandth time.

"no!" was the short response received from the isolated female. lia sighed, "yuna, at least let me get my clothes!" she begged. "go borrow yeji's or something!" yuna called out.

"that bitch is too tall for me! cut me some slack, will you? it's not my fault i'm short!" lia retorted, rolling her eyes.

the door unlocked for a short while and yuna threw some clothes out the door, "there. now go away!" she exclaimed.

lia picked up the clothes as she grinned bitterly, "what the fuck is this combination?!" she groaned, banging on the door. "you can't just give me a blouse and sports pants and proceed to disappear! heck, you didn't even get me any undergarments!!" the older yelled.

"yuna," yeji called out, approaching the door in which lia was leaning against desperately. "don't bother." lia rolled her eyes, "she won't budge!"

"no, that isn't the point." yeji sighed, proceeding to knock the door.

"the ceo wants to see you."

—end  of chapter twenty three

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