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omfg sorry for not updating- stuff came up and i really couldn't even open wattpad fbjsbd but heres a chap, happy reading :)

"problem? what problem? what happened?" the producer asked quickly as the cameramen ended the recording, making yuna and kai look at each other in disgust before throwing their faces away from each other

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"problem? what problem? what happened?" the producer asked quickly as the cameramen ended the recording, making yuna and kai look at each other in disgust before throwing their faces away from each other

"i think it's best if you see for yourself, director." the staff member said in a worried tone as she motioned the crew to go outside. a couple steps out of the hotel room door, a series of loud screams and screeches could be heard not too far away.

some screams were angry, some others were happy, some were fearful, and some others didn't have a specific tone. curious as to why there are such screams coming from outside, both yuna and kai decided to tag along to see what all the commotion is about.

as all the cast and crew approached the hotel lobby, both yuna and kai's face dropped in horror as the two idols saw what was going on. as their instincts kicked in, the two decided to hide behind a large pillar.

on the hotel lobby, waves of angry fans were flooding the floors as they struggled to fight security. some were crazy fan girls, while some are fan boys.

"hyuka is mine!!!!" one yelled.

"no, he's mine, bitch!!" another one screeched.

"back off yuna!!" the other one said.

"yuna doesn't deserve a shitty idol like kai!!" (a/n: guys no, i dont feel this way, hyuka is literally the handsomest most talented idol ever fbsjbrks)

"how dare they make my hyuka go on we got married when hes clearly my husband!" another said.

the first episode was of their we got married series was aired that morning, and it seems that some fans aren't happy with it.

"this is bad!" the female idol whisper yelled to kai as they were both hiding behind the pillar/wall. "yeah no shit, sherlock." kai rolled his eyes nonchalantly. "not gonna lie that kinda hurt." he continued, referring to the 'shitty idol' remark.

"of course it did, you fool!" yuna answered. "now how do we get out of this predicament, we can't risk getting seen by those fanatic fans!" she continued, looking at kai just in case the male has some sort of strategy. however, kai just shrugged his shoulders cluelessly as he continued to peep at the commotion.

"well help me think of something? judging by the amount of fans there, they'll surpass security pretty soon!" the girl whispered as she pulled kai's hair a little to hard making him wince.

unfortunately, one of the fangirls who just happens to be standing near to the wall in which the two artists were hiding behind heard kai's wince and instantly recognized his voice.

the fangirl then shouted with all her might causing everyone's attention to shift at her, "everyone!! they're behind this pillar!! i heard them!"

"shit. look what you did!" kai exclaimed before swiftly pulling yuna's wrists and fleeing the place. "where the fuck are we going?" yuna asked as she winced in pain at the pressure kai is exerting on her wrists that was probably going to turn red later on.

"i have no fucking idea." the make idol replied bluntly. "just run faster!" he instructed which made yuna groan, "unlike you, mister, i'm wearing heels!" she exclaimed.

"why did you even chose to wear heels? you could've worn the slipper when we got out of that hotel room set." the older complained. "because mr. why did you even wear heels, it was the first shoe i see and everyone was already our checking the commotion!" yuna replied.

in response, the man only rolled his eyes before continuing on running. after running for a couple minutes, the two slowed down as they figured the coast was clear.

"fuck." yuna cursed as she held her leg in pain. "i think i sprained my ankle." she finished before dropping down on the floor and gripping her injured leg. kai widened his eyes and approached the girl, "are you okay? when did this happen?" he asked.

"probably half way." yuna replied. "you kept pulling me and the screams from behind us was getting louder each second so i forgot about the pain and kept running." she explained as she continue to wince from the pain.

"ah, shit. this hotel is huge, how are we supposed to find our managers when we don't even know where we are." kai complained. "well fuck us, i guess." yuna sighed as she leaned against the wall. "i suppose we won't be here for long coz they're probably going to look for us." kai stated which earned a nod from yuna who had a pained expression.

"does your ankle still hurt?" kai asked, concern laced in his voice. "kind of," yuna answered. "can you walk?" the man asked again. yuna tried to stand up but the pain was too much that she fell back again, "nope." she answered.

"oh look," yuna smiled bitterly as she took the heels that she was wearing. "i broke the heels too." she finished. "how did this even happen?" kai asked as he took a seat next to the female.

"to be honest, i don't know either. but when we were running away, at some point i suddenly felt a crack on my left heel and then my feet suddenly fell to the right. i would've fell down at that moment but kept running because god knows what those people are going to do to us." yuna explained.

"and surprise surprise, i sprained my ankle. quite cliche, am i right?" she said nonchalantly.

"well we can't just stay here now can we?" kai sighed as he pointed on the hotel map in front of them, that marked the back corner of the building with a "you are here" sign.

"we're practically in the middle of no where. there's nothing here but janitor closets and staff lifts." he sighed as he got up.

"come on let's go." kai said to yuna as he placed his hand in front of her so that it could help her stand up. rolling her eyes, yuna sighed, "idiot. how am i supposed to walk in this condition?" she asked.

laughing, kai replied ever so casually, "hop on."

—end  of chapter twelve

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