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GUYS OMFGSBFJBWR so- ik i said i might retire from wattpad after this book, but yk what fuck that-

i got another story idea so expect a yeonji book to come out after this :)

i got another story idea so expect a yeonji book to come out after this :)

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"you... what?"

"oh would you look at that, the road is beautiful!" kai exclaimed, blushing furiously as he realized what he said. the male idol wasn't aware as to what he's saying and ended up blabbering like a total idiot.

laughing nervously, kai had sweat dripping down his face as he cleared his throat and ran away, leaving the stunned yuna there, still processing the words she just heard.

yuna's senses came back to the way they were once she had processed everything. gasping now as she widened her eyes, the female ran back to the hotel as fast as her legs could take her. nothing mattered as of the moment.

yuna needed clarification.

the girl panted as she bends down, holding her knees and attempted to look around to see if kai was anywhere near her.

but no.

the male idol had indeed already fleed to god knows where.

"where is that damn bastard?!" yuna cursed under her breath. "such a damn clown! how dare he leave like that after such a lame confession!" she exclaimed.

the girl lazily dragged her feet into her hotel room which was empty— her manager probably went to go get coffee somewhere. the time was 7:30am, and yuna was damn hungry.

she groaned in annoyance as she walked out of her hotel room, taking her key card with her, of course.

yuna walked to the lift, still cursing the life out of kai in her head. pressing the down button, she crossed her arms and tapped her feet on the floor impatiently.

now, there are two things that is currently making yuna so fucking frustrated:

1. the fact that kai ran away like a coward without giving her a chance to respond

2. she hasn't had breakfast and practically ran a mile from the beach back to the hotel.

and you all know what happens when a girl is hungry and theres no food? yes. everything becomes a problem.

"i swear its so fucking hot here!! why does temperature have to exist. if it weren't for temperature i wouldn't have to suffer due to the heat. temperature is pissing me off. i hate temperature with burning passion!! everything is temperature's fault!!" she yelled in frustration, not caring if she woken up or disturbed the other staff members who are probably still sleeping.

yes, yuna is a total nerd until she loses her cool. her braincell count drops down to zero, and her iq becomes that of a goldfish.

finally, the lift dinged and it opened, revealing a sweating kai who was panting. mans probably ran as far as his legs could take him and it appears that he, too wants to go eat breakfast.

seeing his face made the angry yuna madder than she was. because of her frustration, the girl forgot all about the confession, and all she wants to do is beat the shit out of the other male.

seeing that yuna was the one in front of the lift door, kai's eyes widened in terror. welp, so much for avoiding her. it hasn't even been an hour and here he is, stuck in this predicament.

"huening. fucking. kai!!!!" yuna yelled, storming into the elevator and strangled kai with all her might.

it was as if kai's life flashed before his eyes before he snapped back to reality and pushed the girl off of him, traumatized by the near death experience. "what is wrong with you?!" he exclaimed.

seemingly offended, yuna retorted, "what is wrong with me?? what is wrong with you?!" she exclaimed, emphasizing the word 'you', suddenly remembering the confession.

"you just ran off like that after saying such an important thing? was it some kind of joke?" yuna asked.

kai's worst fears came true. now he had to qualify whatever the fuck he just said at that morning. but you can't entirely blame him, those words just slipped out of his mouth unconsciously. heck, he didn't even realize that he had confessed until yuna snapped him out of his trance.

"look, it's a joke. i was messing with you." kai exclaimed out of panic, totally lying his way out.

no, no. that's not what i wanted to say.

"i wanted to see your reaction but then realized i fucked up."

no, no!! that's not what i wanted to say either!

hearing this made the girl smile bitterly. "who am i kidding? i knew this was bound to happen." yuna laughed internally. of course, she didn't say that out loud, instead, she answered with two simple words, "i figured."

right at that moment, the elevator door opened, and without wasting another second, the girl turned away and walked out, not even sparing the man a glance nor a goodbye.

she seemed kind of, disappointed (?)

this lit kai's hope but then brought it down again. "who am i kidding? she probably hates me now." kai muttered as he stepped out of the elevator, seeing yuna's faint figure way ahead of him, not looking back.

—end  of chapter seventeen

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