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hi expired shit
today, 9:58pm


"oh my fucking goodness. who is this." yuna exclaimed as she held her phone with shaky hands. recalling how kai called her expired shit a couple hours ago, yuna suddenly got chills because if it was him- was he some kind of stalker to have received her number?

"fuck help. eonni who is this? i'm scared." yuna exclaimed, clinging unto the older's arms. "the fuck? how am i supposed to know? i'm an innocent pedestrian!" chaeryeong exclaimed as she pulled her hand away. "innocent my ass," yuna mumbled but then continued.

"this isn't the most pleasant way to start a conversation." chaeryeong stated which earned an eye roll from the younger, "no shit, sherlock. you think?" yuna groaned.

"hey! what's all the commotion about here?" a voice asked, approaching them. that voice belonged to non other than their leader. "eonni!! look at this! isn't this scary?" yuna exclaimed while showing her phone to the older.

"this guy can potentially be hueningkai whom is my partner in we got married and is a complete asshole! how did he even get my number?" yuna ranted, not noticing a smile creeping up to yeji's face before the oldest bursted into laughter.

"yuns! you're silly!" yeji laughed. confused as to why the older was laughing, yuna asked, "why ate you laughing? this is literally a very scary, possibly stalker issue!" yuna exclaimed.

"man, that's my new number! not some guy's. didn't i tell you i'm getting a new number? maybe you should start reading the group chat!" yeji exclaimed, still laughing.

to be fair, yeji was the first person who called yuna 'expired shit' so why did she suspect kai instead? thinking of him, i suppose. but she isn't going to admit that.

"why didn't you suspect me, yuns? are you thinking of him? do you like him? aww that's so cute!" yeji giggled. yuna's eyes widened as she heard that piece of information before proceeding to throw a couch cushion at the older.

"no, i don't!! shut up!" yuna exclaimed, groaning. laughing, chaeryeong interrupted, "says the one who's so pressed about it!" she laughed. throwing another pillow at chaeryeong, yuna exclaimed, "i am not pressed!!"


sure, let's just believe that.

walking in the set the next day, yuna sat down to get her normal hair and makeup routine before a guy approached her- and he is none other than hueningkai.

glaring at him, yuna sighed, "what do you want? leave me alone if you're going to insult me." she said before looking away. shaking his head no, kai smiled. he smiled at her for the first time since they met. that smile was so beautiful. it's the smile that always managed to make ryujin fangirl because she's their biggest fan.

"i'm waiting for you, expired shit." kai laughed, watching yuna's eyes widen, "fucking shut up. don't call me that in public!" she exclaimed. "and leave." the girl continued.

"awh, but i just got here. i'm waiting for you so we can go there together." kai smiled before proceeding to sit on the table.

what's with the 180° attitude change? yuna also doesn't know, and neither do we. "why are you so nice all of a sudden? is this some kind of joke?" yuna asked, cautious of his actions.

"no. i just thought we could start a new beginning, y'know?" he said like it was the simplest thing in the world. laughing, yuna replied, "yeah right. as if i'd believe you." she said, taking another bite from her sandwich.

"i'm being serious! we didn't start on good terms, so let's start now. this is sincere, i promise." kai explained, looking at the female with hopeful eyes.

standing up, yuna didn't forget to take her sandwich with her. she approached the older male before smiling at him, "prove it. then i'll think about it." she said before leaving without looking back.


"what, kai? i want to go home, i'm tired." yuna sighed as the male grabbed her hand, preventing her from leaving the set. "there's a good tteokbokki place nearby. i go there with the hyungs all the time. want to eat together?" he asked, showing yuna that addicting smile of his.

"the fuck? why so sudden? let go. i want to go home." yuna stated sternly, trying to get out of his grip but failed.

"please? just this once. my treat?" he asked. "why are you so fucking nice suddenly?" yuna asked finally. "because well... that's something you'll know another day. now let's go." kai smiled, dragging yuna who was silently pouting.

"how is it?" the male asked. the two were seated in an empty rooftop in the tteokbokki restaurant. being close to the owner, kai had the rooftop access for free. the girl didn't answer it. in fact, she was too busy staring at the beautiful night view of the seoul city.

"it's pretty." yuna commented which earned an enthusiastic nod from the male. "i know, right?" he said before joining her in staring at the view.

after a couple moments of silence, yuna exclaimed, "oh!! here, try this. my mother used to make me eat it like this when i was younger." yuna smiled widely, mixing a couple side dishes together before holding her chopsticks in front of the boy's mouth.

"are you sure? that looks a little.... festive.." kai hesitated, tilting his head in confusion because of the mixed and match toppings. sighing, yuna held the chopsticks closer to his mouth, "trust me on this one, or i'm leaving." she said a little threateningly.

"okay, okay!" kai gave in before taking a bite of the mixed side dishes. chewing it a bit, yuna looked at him, hoping for a reaction. widening his eyes, kai exclaimed, "damn this is some good shit!" he exclaimed. "give me another one!" he continued enthusiastically.

laughing, yuna replied, "alright, alright. here, let me teach you how to make it!" she exclaimed happily before proceeding to tell kai the steps.


"sir i think the two are out eating dinner- we can't find them on set."

"keep an eye on them.. we don't want no funny business."

—end  of chapter five

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