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happy international women's day!!

"no! no! it's nothing like that! don't worry, you won't be doing whatever you think you'll be doing

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"no! no! it's nothing like that! don't worry, you won't be doing whatever you think you'll be doing." the staff defended as she said, "your agency requested no sleeping scenes, so we have to obey that."

sighing in relief, yuna took the pajamas as she gasped in shock when feeling the material, "holy mother of chickens, this material feels so comfortable!!" she exclaimed excitedly.

"do you like it? it took me so long to find." exclaimed the stylist as she clapped her hands excitedly. nodding her head frantically, yuna nodded, "i love it!!" she exclaimed as she ran to the changing room.

few moments went by as yuna giggled as she opened the door to the changing room. with a bright smile, the young idol twirled around to showcase her pajamas. "tada!" she exclaimed happily. "do you like it?" she asked the two staff members.

the manager and the stylist nodded, "beautiful!!" they exclaimed in unison, "right!" yuna giggled excitedly but then halted in her tracks as her mouth curved into a frown, "but what scene am i doing? not some weird shit, right?" yuna asked.

gasping a little, the stylist was pretty startled at the cuss word that rolled off of the idol's tongue. yuna had a cutesy and somewhat savage maknae image, but the said stylist never expected the idol to curse. keeping her composure anyway, the stylist smiled, "of course it's not weird shit." she answered.

"have you seen that episode of solar-nim and eric-nim?" the manager asked. "oh of course! is it the one where they were watching a movie and massaging each other?" yuna asked. the manager nodded, "correct. that's exactly what you are going to do." she said smiling.

"watch a movie?" yuna asked. the manager nodded once more before saying, "skinships are recommended for the sake of fan service, but if it makes you uncomfortable you can make some sort of excuse so the boss doesn't force you." the manager informed, whispering the last sentence.

yuna grinned as she gave her manager a hug, "you're the best, eonni!" she exclaimed earning an eye roll from the manager, "yeah, yeah, whatever you say, now hurry up, you're going to be late!" the manager exclaimed, giving yuna a little push out the door.

"oh shoot, you're right! later, eonni! i want to get this over with!" yuna laughed a little as she scampered off, leaving the grinning manager standing there, "she seems excited, doesn't she?" the manager whispered to the stylist. nodding enthusiastically, the stylist replied, "young love"

"sorry i'm late!!" yuna exclaimed as she bursted into the set. there, a couple cameramen along with staffs were already present as one stylist was fixing kai's hair.

"it's okay, yuna-sshi. we'll start recording now that you're here." one of the staff members said as he went over to the cameramen and said some incoherent words that yuna couldn't hear, but she assumed he was telling them to start the recording.

kai and yuna was chatting as they watched the movie, the man's arms around the woman's shoulder as she leaned her head on his shoulder. as the two were in that position, kai secretly whispered, "i've watched this before. now she's going to die." he said, purposely giving a spoiler to the female.

gasping, yuna pulled away from kai and threw a pillow towards kai's direction. "say another spoiler and you won't see another day." she threatened, poking her finger on kai's forehead.

"we're on camera, remember?" kai reminded, pointing towards the cameramen. face reddening at the fact, yuna gasped, "wait, no!! please edit this out!" she cried.

"it's kind of funny so we'll keep it." the producer laughed from behind the camera. "this is your fault you mothe— idiot!!" yuna exclaimed, gasping as she almost cursed. "what were you about to say, yuna-sshi?" kai teased. "nothing, now get away from me!" she exclaimed.

as the movie went on, the two idols weren't even paying attention to it. instead, they were quarreling back and forth in front of the camera leaving all the staff members speechless. despite the staff telling them to get themselves together, the two kept on bickering nonetheless.

"you started it. it's not my fault!" kai exclaimed. yuna scoffed, "you took the remote from me!! its mine! my precious baby!!" she yelled as she hugged the remote control possessively.

"no, it's not—"

"sir!!" a staff member barged in, interrupting the shoot. "we have a problem." the staff member said in obvious panic as he approached the producer.

—end  of chapter eleven

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