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"fucking shit

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"fucking shit. we need to leave- now!!" yuna exclaimed, looking around the restaurant, trying to come up with a super spy move to exit the restaurant. to her dismay, the doors were blocked due to the many fans outside, screaming at txt's presence.

moreover, the boys decided to not wear a mask, thus their identities were exposed, causing fans to gather around the restaurant taking pictures. the security guards tried to get them away, but there were too many of them. luckily, none acknowledged itzy's presence because they sat behind a large pillar, covering their faces.

"whoa, chill. with those wild fans, we ain't going no where," yeji said, pulling yuna back to her seat, "and you do not go anywhere! or our fate will be the same as them." the leader continued. groaning, yuna slumped back to the chair, stuffing her face with sandwich.

"oh! there!" lia exclaimed, seeing a part-time-worker cleaning the table nearby. yuna- who was the closest to the worker, heard her humming the tone of itzy's 'not shy' song. the maknae then dashed towards the worker, tapping her shoulder to get her attention.

"excuse me, can you please allow us to go in the staff only room? we need somewhere to hide before those crazy fans burst in here." yuna asked. with an apologetic smile, the worker replied, "i'm sorry, miss. the staff only room is off limits to visitors." she said, feeling the masked lady's voice quite familiar.

sighing, yuna decided to take drastic measures. she said, "you like itzy, right?". nodding enthusiastically, the worker replied, "yes, i do!! i am their biggest fan!" she exclaimed. smiling at herself, yuna couldn't help but feel happy that her plan is working.

"i'll get you a signed limited edition album and a lightstick, how does that sound?" yuna asked. the worker pouted, "you're bribing me! how do i know this isn't a scam? i could possibly be fired if i let you guys in there!" she whisper yelled.

"it's not a scam," yuna started as she slowly removed her mask. "i'll personally give it to you." she finished, watching the worker's jaw drop.


"yep. i'm yuna." yuna replied.

"now please, txt can't know we're here- and their fans can't know we're here either. help us?" yuna continued, shushing the worker before she could scream.

"o-of course! follow me!" she exclaimed. yuna smiled to herself before gesturing the other members to follow. as the worker led them in the staff only room, she said, "oh my goodness i've never seen so many celebrities in before!" the worker mumbled to herself.

"what's your name?" yuna asked. "i'm riku!! nice to meet you! i-i mean-" the worker stuttered. laughing, yuna said, "nice to meet you too." she replied with a smile. riku's life was complete and she felt like fainting, but of course, she quickly got ahold of herself and managed to stay calm.

the girls chatted a while as they heard the crowd slowly disappearing. yuna went out to check, and thankfully they were right. sighing in relief, she turned around and bumped into some guy's chest. almost falling down, the guy caught her by the waist, preventing her from falling.

"ow!! i-i'm sorry- YOU!!" she exclaimed, frozen as she stared at the male, who she identified as huening kai. "oh look, it's expired shit." kai scoffed earning a gasp from yuna, "who're you calling expired shit?! i'm good shit- i-i mean-" she exclaimed but stuttered, flustered by the close proximity of the two.

laughing, kai said, "hm, good shit. sure." he said with an eyeroll. "no!! fucking shut up!" yuna exclaimed as she smacked his chest causing the male to step back before running back into the staff room for two reasons; one, because she's afraid that dispatch snake will get the wrong idea, and two; because she felt like suffocating due to their close proximity.

"fuck." the girl cursed, slamming the staffed door and panted, to which she was greeted by the other members staring at her with eyebrows raised. "n-no! nothing happened! let's go home! riku, when's your next shift? i'll fulfill my promise, thank you for helping us." the maknae smiled at riku. "n-next friday." riku answered.

yuna smiled and nodded before dragging her members back to the dorms.


"yo, what? something fishy's going on.." chaeryeong mumbled to yuna as they arrived home. yuna fell face first to the sofa as she kicked her arms and legs in frustration. "that- that fucking jerk!!" yuna exclaimed. "he was there- i-"

"breathe. drink some water, yuns." chaeryeong sighed as she tossed a bottle of water to the younger. catching it, yuna chugged down the water like there was no tomorrow.

"he even called me expired shit." she exclaimed in frustration, running her hands on her hair and pulling it. widening her eyes, chaeryeong stopped thus gesture, "your scalp is going to be more ruined. you do not look good bald, you expired shit." she spat.

"don't call me that!!" yuna exclaimed, throwing a cushion at chaeryeong's direction. "honestly though, what did i ever do?" yuna sighed, sitting up properly now.

"i- you said you weren't pressed-"

"i'm not!!! i just can't stand him!!"

"sure, jan." chaeryeong rolled her eyes. "hey!! be more sympathetic to your dongsaeng here, eonni. you're clearly not helping!" yuna exclaimed. "yeah yeah. but man, i have no luck with romance. i've never even have a boyfriend. i can't really give you advice." the older said.

"i am not in a romantic relationship with him! i'm just- frustrated!!" yuna retorted, defending herself which earned an eye-roll from the older.

their conversation was then interrupted with yuna's phone notification, which made both her heart and jaw drop.



hi expired shit
today, 9:58pm


—end of chapter four

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