40. My Heart, My Soul, My Everything

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I'm hoping this isn't too hard to see
Cause baby, you're the only one for me
You're my heart, my soul, my everything
I promise my heart to you, for you and my son

No matter how far I go
And no matter how long it takes
No one or nothing will change
Forever my heart, my soul, my everything

It was nice to be at home. Though she was all alone without Icee, it was still nice. All she had to do was go down a few floors for work, and then back upstairs to relax at home. She avoided her sisters like the plague. She talked to them on the phone, but she was not trying to let them see her and suspect. She was craving crazy food and eating like a pig. She had to order maternity clothes and hoped it did not make her look pregnant.


She looked up from her desk where she was munching on pretzels dipped in peanut butter with pickles. Something about that sweet and salty combination made it taste like she was eating a gourmet meal.

"Uh, hey twin," she said, trying to hide away her mid-day snack.

"Ugh! Girl, you nasty," Krystle said, taking a seat across from her. "So, the sisters want to get together and have a pow-wow."

"Uh, when? I'm really busy-"

"Bitch, whatever, we ain't hung out since your bachelorette party and how long ago was that? Sooo, I told them tomorrow-"

"Wait, no, can we schedule it later, like, next week?"

"Why? You're gonna tell them you're pregnant then?"

Kitty looked at her sister. She was serious as she crossed her arms across her chest.

"Don't dare make up an excuse about it now. Heffa, I been knew since you came back from your honeymoon."

"But I-"

"I figured with all that Bonnie mess, y'all wanted to hold on to that announcement. It's all good."

"Did you tell-"

"Hell no, I ain't tell Big Sis or none of them. That's on you...but, I better act like I didn't know or they will kick my ass."

Kitty let out a sigh, grabbed some pretzels to eat. "I'm glad you know twin. I mean, we're going to tell everybody soon. It's just been so crazy since I found out! The wedding, then the honeymoon, came back to Bonnie baby drama, then work, then the tour and I just-"

"Bitch, stop rambling."

"My bad," Kitty said, and dipped her pickle in the peanut butter before biting it.

Krystle made a barf face.

"That's why you left the tour with Icee? I heard you were tearing shit up like everyone wants you to drop an album yourself."

"Naa! It was fun, but I hate that performing stuff. Icee lives and breaths it. But yes, that's why. Icee thinks I need to take it easy."

"You do," Krystle said and walked over to her and hugged her. "I'm going to be an auntie!"

"Girl, you already are!"

"But this shit different! You my twin. Baby gonna come out looking exactly like me girl, watch, I know it."

Kitty laughed at her sister. They only looked identical when they were little, as they got older they looked so similar but many differences. Still, her twin was her everything. She was glad she knew.


Icee came back to town for her doctor's appointment just as promised.

"Everything going well?" the doctor asked, while Kitty lay in the bed, laid back with her shirt up and round belly exposed.

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