49. Luv U 4 Lyfe

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I'm gonna love you for life, your love is all I need
I want you to know the this is real, the feeling that I feel
You are my everything and I love you for just being you
This is why I take this time to sing these words to you

Kitty was at work when she felt super light-headed and dizzy. She was already sitting down, so she held on to the desk to brace herself. She felt what felt like a contraction...but that couldn't be. She had six weeks to go. She was not taking any chances.


Randi rushed into her office.

"Yes, Ms. Kitty."

"I'm not feeling too good."

"Oh shit! I mean...sorry...Is the baby coming?"

"No, that's not it," she said as she took a deep breath and rubbed her belly. It felt like a menstrual cramp, and it did not hurt much, so could not be a real contraction. "Braxton-Hicks maybe?"

"What's that?"

"False labor pains."

"Should we go to the hospital?"

"No," she said, trying to stand, and Randi rushed to her to help her up. "I think I'm going to go up and lay down."

"Want me to call Icee?"

"He's out with T-Zack hosting a talent show at his old high school."

"He will leave and come be with you if I tell him you're not feeling well," Randi said. "I will help you upstairs but you need to call him or I will."

She felt fine once she was in their loft, changed into something comfy, and laid in the bed with her feet up. Randi brought her something to drink and some food, but she did not feel like eating or drinking anything. She did not call Icee, but she texted him that she was not feeling well, but that he should not worry.

Randi called Icee anyway and told him that he should come to be with her. Of course, Icee dropped what he was doing and rushed home, with T-Zack and they both were acting as if the baby was about to come. She laughed at them.

"Ummm, you guys need to calm down."

"Kitty, the baby may be coming, how do you know it's false labor pains? I've been through this three times," T-Zack said.

"Since when did you carry a baby inside of you?" she asked. "Zack, you haven't carried a baby so you don't know. I'm fine. The baby is not coming."

"Woman, you tripping," Icee said. "We're taking you to the hospital."


"Because you said you were having labor pains."

"I said...it's called Braxton-Hicks and it's false labor pains. I'm not even close to my due date."

"Zack man, if my wife is going to be stubborn about this, you got my back?"

"You know it."

Icee grabbed Kitty out of the bed and held her and started to walk off.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Taking my stubborn wife to the doctor. Now! Randi, you're coming too."

"Randi has to work."

Icee ignored her, went on ordering her employee to do things. "Randi, pack my wife some things in case she needs to stay at the hospital overnight."

"Why would I-" Kitty slapped her forehead. Icee was overreacting big time. She was not even feeling any false labor pains anymore.

Randi was running around, following Icee's orders. T-Zack was acting as if he knew everything because he had three kids, telling Icee she could be going into labor early. That was freaking Icee out as he held her and headed to the elevator.

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