57. Baby

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Baby, baby, you're having my baby
You and my baby means so much to me
All my life, I dreamed of this day
The woman I love, giving me my son
Together we will raise a family
My baby, baby this I guarantee
I will be here for you and lil man
Until my dying day

Kitty woke up and smiled at the latest song from Icee. It was beautiful. He did love her. She loved him so much and she missed him. They needed to talk this out. She was ready to go back home.

"Aaaa!" she screamed out when she felt a sharp pain. Felt like a cramp, a bit worse. "Oh no!"

She started to take deep breaths. Maybe Braxton-Hicks again, though they were never that painful. She still had over four weeks left. She knew she could deliver early, but this was too darn early.

She sat up in bed and rubbed her belly.

"Come on IceeJay, behave."

She stood up and took a couple of steps. She felt find. It was nothing. Nothing else was happening. She went to brush her teeth and wash her face, then she doubled over in pain, she felt another one.

"You can't be coming now. It's too soon." She was so scared. She went back to the bed and grabbed her phone from the nightstand. She called Icee.

"Baby!" he immediately answered after one ring. "Tell me you're ready to come home."

"Icee, I don't feel so well. I think the baby is coming."

"What? Baby, I'm coming to get you. Hang on, let me get dressed."

"No Ice, just...meet me at the hospital, I'll have Rena or Vic take me."

"Okay babe, great. Baby, I love you. I love you so much."

"I love you too Icee."

She calmed herself as she felt another contraction. Then she went to her sister's room and knocked on the door. It was very early in the morning and she knew the girls would be getting up for school soon.

Victor came to open the door.


"I think the baby is coming."

"Like now? Okay, sis. Hey babe, come help your sister get ready to go to the hospital. I'll stay with the girls till my parents can come then I'll meet you at the hospital."

"Damn Kitty, lil IceeJay wanta get here super early," Sarena said, helping her back to her room. She needed to get dressed. She did not have much stuff here, maybe Icee would bring her some things for her hospital stay. She was too scared to think. Maybe this was another false alarm.

"I'm scared Rena. It's too early, right?"

"If he ready, he ready. He 'bout to be a knucklehead, I can already tell."

Kitty got dressed and headed out to the garaged. Both the girls came running over to her and hugged her. They were super excited.

"Auntie, we love you! We can't wait to see the baby!" Brandy said.

She got in the backseat of Sarena's minivan, and she helped her with the seatbelt before she got in and drove off.

"Are you timing the contractions? How far apart are they?"

"I don't know. I didn't time them."

"Okay, let me know when the next one comes, I'll time them."

"I'm scared."

"Of what? Don't be. Women have babies all the time. Most natural thing. Some just stand, squat, and shoot them right out, no medication or anything. You got this."

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