16. Hot Sex (On a Platter)

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You lookin' good over dere ma, hot sex
You sexxy as hell ma, hot sex
Let me kiss you right dere ma, hot sex
Right between yo legs ma, hot sex
Skeet-skeet-skeetin' on ma, hot sex
Dripping wet from da sex, hot sex

"I can't believe it's August and our birthday is next month. Time really flying." Icee FaceTimed with Kitty while he was in Atlanta and she was in New York.

"And having a man and not seeing him...very frustrating!" Kitty let out a groan, wondering how the heck she had held out for over three years. Helped that she did not date in those three years. No serious relationship till she met Icee.

She made it five months, yet once she'd experienced him she wanted more of him.

It had been a month since Houston. She had not seen Icee which meant she hadn't had sex with Icee, which meant she was sexually frustrated. It was easier when she was celibate and wasn't getting any.

He sent her his test results and everything came back clean. She got tested herself and she was good to go as well. She kept herself busy enough and had to be in New York for a week shooting some promotional shots for KStyle Fashions. She studied all the America Next Top Model shows to make sure she could get her model on. She had smizin' down and knowing her angles to make herself look taller. That would be a stretch for her five-two frame to look anything but.

She also was worried if she had the right body type. Models were super skinny. She had a more athletic, lean build. She worked out hardcore and dieted crazy for four weeks to make sure she looked perfect. She was nervous as heck. The clothes were cute of course and catered from size zero to size twenty-four.

Her small city girl self landed in New York and felt like a little person. This was her first time coming without her sister. She snapped pics and posted them on social media and was acting all extra. The limo took her right to set to get ready for the first photoshoot. She worked all day. That was just day one. She had more work to do for the rest of the week.

She was in bed resting when Icee Facetimed her.

"How was the photoshoot?"

"Ok, I guess. I still think we should have gone with a professional. Like call Tyra Banks, I'm sure she could give us a hook-up."

"Naw man, you da one. Hey, twin told me y'all got the men's line ready too?"

"Well yeah. IceMan wear."

"When was I gonna see plans on this?"

"You told me to do whatever it is I do best, and I'm doing it. Hey, I got an idea, since you're making me model the women's line, bring yo'self to NY and take some shots with the men's line. We have pieces here."

"Oh, word?"

"Come on baby. I miss you. Please!"

"You know I got work out here on the west coast...but I might spare a day. I'll see what my people say. Holla."

Sure enough, Icee was able to fly in while she was in the middle of her photoshoot for the day. She had some of the men's wear in his size waiting for him and they immediately styled him and got him ready.

"Oh, this shit fly! You gonna make yo man a lot mo ice!" Icee came out dressed in a denim jacket and matching denim jeans. No shirt was needed when the man's body had to be on display.

"I know my man style, I know what you like. You look good too."

"Y'all ain't run shit through me though, I am still CEO."

"Okay boss." She gave him a playful salute.

He looked her over, looking up and down with a frown. "Something different?"

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