42. Sexy and You Fine

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*Not on the album but Icee mentions it in this chapter that he will write it.
So fine, so fine
I just wanna spend all day (and night)
Looking into your pretty brown eyes
I can't get enough of those lips (and kisses)
Let me lay you down and look at you
Love your body, like the way you move
Sexy, sexy lady you know I love you

Kitty hit Bonnie with a cease and desist order. She was not to talk about Icee, Kitty, or the baby that Bonnie knew a hundred percent was not Icee's. Victor flew out personally and delivered the message, knocking out both her security guards who tried to stop him. Victor said Bonnie agreed, signed the paperwork after she looked over the proof they had that she was lying. She would start talking retraction in the media saying Icee was indeed not the father, they had not had sex in any recent time, and that she was only trying to get Icee back.

Bonnie had no clue who the father was because she had been with lots of men in the timeframe she was impregnated. Victor had all that information. It would create quite a big scandal for some of the names on the lists, some of them married.

In essence, Kitty was doing her a favor by not going to the media with what she had on her. She did not have to be nice about the situation, but she didn't want to drag others into the mix. She still wanted to hurt her, like do some real damage to her but she got over that.

She was truly changed.

Kitty planned a full-out maternity photoshoot that would last two days. Icee complained because he did not see the big fuss. He was in his last week of the tour, so he was still away. The photo shoot was scheduled for his first day back.

"Take a couple of pics, post on IG, boom!"

"Who do I look like? I'm not just anybody, and you're not either."

"Good that you bossing up and shit, but damn Kitty," he said while they Facetimed. "When I get back to Da Field, I just wanna lay with you and get into something, you know what I mean."

"You are going to love it Icee, watch. This is special, our first baby. Letting the world know."

"Our family knows, that's all I care about."

"Keep complaining Ice, see what good that will do," she said and blew him a kiss. "Now I have to get some sleep. Love you."

"Love you too. Kiss my son for me."

She was not going to sleep, she still had work to do, so she sat in her bed and answered e-mails and texted people at ten at night. Fayme was still downstairs and working at ten at night. She understood that. She told her friend to come upstairs and chill with her while she worked and Fayme took her up on that.

She stayed in her bed and Fayme walked in like she lived there as well, having been up there several times keeping her company while Icee was away.

"You already have your nightly call with hubby?"

"Yes. Girl, why is he tripping about this photoshoot? Don't all celebs do this nowadays?" Shortly after she told her sisters, Fayme was the next to know.

"Dudes still not going to care about that announcement. From a marketing stand-point, girl, do your thang! Do you know how many people on KStyle website wondering why you not doing new photos? You were the face, and now..."

"My sisters did more shoots, right? What's the response to them?"

"Kitty, it's you they love. I think it's the whole Icee-Kitty love saga that intrigues them. Like, if this everyday around-the-way girl can catch a guy like Icee, anyone can. You're just like the plain Jane girl that got the hottest guy out right now."

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