54. Icee

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He wanted to kill someone. Watching Kitty walk away and those elevator doors close, he felt like his whole world crumbled. Kitty leaving, his baby. It was his baby. He had a momentary lapse of judgment. He fucked up. He knew Kitty would never do anything like that yet, seeing her car over there, hearing that song...

"Kitty baby, come back," he said hitting the elevator door.

"Yo, she gone man, let he cool off for the night, she'll be back in the morning," T-Zack said, always the voice of reason.

"How the fuck do you know? Michelle ever leave you?"

"Naw, I ain't never accuse her of fucking my cousin and having his baby either."

If he knocked his boy out, he was the blame himself.

"Bruh," he said, sitting down on the floor, back against the elevator. "This shit here...it's fucked up. Why did I think Kitty would do that? Kitty the most loyal chick I've ever known, man. Why am I tripping?"

"Cuz yo ass would do something dirty like that. It's that guilty conscious eating yo ass."

"Bruh, I wouldn't...not with Kitty anyway. You know I stopped that shit. I ain't fucked around and I will never fuck around. Kitty is my everything. I fucked this up. Man, for real this time."

He put his hands over his face, trying to man up because his boy was standing there. He wanted to cry like a baby. Kitty had never been that mad at him. She had been mad, but never to the point she said she hated him or she left him.

"What you gonna do man?"

"What the fuck can I do. Imma get my wife and son back."

He sat there hands to his face deep in his thoughts. What if Kitty never came back? What if she wanted a divorce? What if she took away his son and he never saw him. Never was there to help him grow up. Would Kitty do that to him? Between her and her sisters, if they wanted him away, they could keep him away. No amount of money could buy his way back to her if she was truly done.

He pulled his hands from his face and held them in prayer. Maybe if he prayed to God, then this whole situation would be like a bad dream and Kitty would come right back. He never asked God for anything, not his success, not his money, but he must have been blessing him. He gave him Kitty and Kitty changed him, hopefully to a better man, though he still had his faults. He was still learning and growing, God had to see that and see that he was the man for Kitty. He wouldn't give Kitty to him then take her away.

"Man, you need a minute? You need to chill?"

"It's cool, Zack man, thanks for looking out...but go home to your wife and kids and hug them tight. Tell them you love them."

T-Zack stood there a moment, not knowing what to do.

"Zack man, it's fine. I won't do anything crazy."

"You sure?"

"Yeah man, go. I need to chill let all this shit sink in."

"A-ight, call a nigga if you need me," T-Zack said, pushing for the elevator. "Serious my nig, don't drink nothing else tonight. Imma check on you later."

T-Zack left in the elevator and Icee continued to sit there. He was numb. There were so many parts to this he had to wrap his brain around.

The song.

That mother fucker Tucker saying that shit about what he did to Kitty when he was the rapist that assaulted his wife. To think, he had that lil mother fucker in his studio recording that trash. He was high-fiving him and dapping him on finally putting in work writing his own rhymes. He was gearing him up to be the second coming of himself. He was dead to him.

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