58. Err'thang About Ya

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I love err'thang about ya, baby
I love err'thang about ya, baby

I met this chick, the sexiest lady I've ever seen
She feeling me too and Imma see if she wants me too
I call her up, holla at her, let me take this slow
I feel like she special and I really need to know
If I make this lady mine will it be
All that I can, all that I need
Let me kiss those lips, let me hold her hand
I swear I will be a better man
Something about her that I love

(Ginger singing)
Err'thang about ya, baby
Err'thang about ya, baby
I want you, I need you
You need me, I need you
I love err'thang about ya, baby
I love err'thang about ya, baby

The way you came in my life and swooped me, baby
Never gonna be another like you, baby
Imma give you err'thang and more, my baby
Love the way you walk, you talk, you my baby
Sexy way you dress and wear them red bottoms, baby
You got that steelo I need, she so bad, my baby
Don't need another, you're the one
Imma sing and sing and sing
Because the way you make me feel
Love, love, love....err'thang about ya, baby

(Icee and Ginger sing together)
Err'thang about ya, baby (love ya ma)
Err'thang about ya, baby (and I need ya ma)
I want you, I need you (I want you too)
You need me, I need you (for sho)
I love err'thang about ya, baby
I love err'thang about ya, baby

Five whole hours later, Kitty's water broke. She was freaking out. Now the real contractions were coming. She was happy they were still in the hospital. She felt sick like she needed to throw up. She wanted to punch somebody in the face.

Her back was killing her. Serena brought her a back massager for her back, but it was giving her no relief.

How was this natural? Women, did this every day?

When that first real contraction hit she thought she was being torn apart and she screamed like she was dying. Icee tried to soothe her, but it was not helping. He kept rubbing her back and saying he loved her over and over

"Shut the fuck up!" she said to him. "How is that helping me? Are you about to push a big head baby out your vagina?"

"Baby, I would if I could but...you got this."

"When can I have my epidural," she asked the nurse who walked in.

"You have to dilate more. I'll check you now," she said.

Another contraction hit and Icee held her hand as she tried to breathe through it. She squeezed his hand and breathed instead of screaming and crying. She wanted how many more kids? Okay, scratch what she said before. Maybe IceeJay was going to be an only child.

"See, you made it through that one. Baby, you got this."

"Could you leave and get my sister. I want her in here."

"Babe, I'm not leaving, I want to be here for everything."

"I said. Go! Get! My! Sister!"

Icee left the room and saw Sarena sitting with Victor and Krystle.

"Umm, Rena, Kitty wants you."

"You couldn't handle her, punk-ass?" Sarena said, getting up. "I can hear Kitty screaming all down the hall."

"Well maybe you can calm her down so she'll let me back in," Icee said, sitting down, feeling like he had gone through the wringer.

"I'm going in too," Krystle said as they left.

"Youngblood, stop stressing. Kitty ain't mean nothing she said to you in there."

"I'm already out of her good graces man for what I accused her of. I'm just trying to get back in. Shit, I'll do whatever she says and be whatever she says."

"She'll be all right. Them Kelly girls tough, and I ain't saying that just cause I train them. They already had that in them."

"Speaking of..." Icee sat up so he could have a man-to-man with his brother-in-law. "Any word on that lil nigga? He taken care of?"

"Bro, I don't know what the fuck is going on. When I got to the place, he was gone. Gone, gone."

"What do you mean gone? Body bagged and gone?"

"Hell no. Gone. Like he got up and walked off. I don't know if he dead or what. I told Sarena don't leave a body breathing that can come back and say her name. Fuck she was thinking? Anyway, she claims he was so fucked up he was near death. Near-death and dead ain't the same thing."

"So they really tried to kill him?"

"Not good enough. I had some guys looking for him. No trace. He left everything and he just gone. Mother fucker better be dead. If I see him, he's dead."

Icee thought on that. That crazy psycho was on the loose and who knows what he would do now.

"Yo Vic, how are we gonna protect our girls? Money ain't a thing, we need to come together and keep them safe."

"And I got you, bro."

It took about another hour before Kitty asked for him back in the room. They had given her the epidural and she was smiling.

"Hey baby," she said to him.

He rushed over to kiss her while she was being nice to him. "Don't make me leave again Kitty, I don't know if I can do it."

"I'm sorry. I just needed my sisters to get through the hard part. He's coming. I'm so happy right now."

He could not believe his son was coming into the world soon. His stomach was getting knotted up, but he had to stay cool for Kitty, soothing her and talking her through as she finally gave birth to his son, on his birthday, September second, at 10:59 p.m. His son! Isaac Craig Curtis Jr.

At five pounds six ounces, he was healthy and strong for being early. He cried as they cleaned him, but when they handed him to Kitty, he was quiet.

"Oh my gosh, look at him Icee. Look how little he is. He's so perfect."

He was light, bright-skinned but he knew he would darken up like them. His baby pictures he was light-skinned now he was all the way brown. He had a head full of hair, and his eyes were closed so he didn't see what they looked like. But he had the dimples for sure. He was gorgeous.

"You did good Kitty, you did so good," he said, kissing her forehead. "You gave me a son baby. I will love you and him forever. I promise."

"I know Ice, I don't doubt that. You want to hold him now?"

He was nervous as hell, but once Kitty slid him in his arms and the nurse helped him to hold him properly, he was amazed. Looking at his son, that was a part of him, he realized his world was now perfect. He had Kitty. He had IceeJay. Nothing and no one else mattered to him.

"We're going to be fine Icee, we're going to be fine."


A/N: That song 😩 The basis of the story, the title, everything. If you didn't know, this was a fanfic about Nelly (I changed hella but I can still see him in the character). The song is supposed to be similar to Dilemma with Nelly & Kelly.

The baby is finally here! Icee and Kitty are together and happy! What else is there to say?
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