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    Rebekah had made it her job to get Madison ready for the ball. Deciding she needed a hair cut, so her hair no longer dragged acrossu the floor as she walked.

   "Oh, dear your hairs dragging on the floor. Mother call a hairdresser, to do our hair for the party. Why not get them to give you a trim while we are at it Mad?."

     Madison didn't object to the hair cut. Calling the hair dresser, a nail technician, and finally a makeup artist everyone to the house to tend to the needs of the two girls. It all seemed a bit extensive to Madison. But didn't object when she saw the absolute joy it bought Rebekah. Rebekah was practically glowing from all the attention and special treatment.

    While Madison had to stop her self from biting someone's finger off as they combed and brushed, pinned her hair. Into a complicated little set of braids but at the same time her hair still tumbled down to her shoulders.

Someone kept putting things on her face. Everything was a tad over stimulating for her. But the shock Madison felt as she looked in the mirror, the freckles that once dotted her cheeks and nose were gone. Here eyes were more defined by the black eyeliner that winged out. The women painted her lips with a mauve color. She didn't recognize the woman who stared back at her in the mirror.

    The boys kept trying to come into the room with the girl which Rebekah pushed them all out.
"Come on Bekah let us see Madi. I beat she's cute" Kol said trying to push himself into the room.

      "Kol if you don't get out if this room I swear to god you will find vervain in all of your drinks tonight" after that threat all the boys seemed to back off.

    Rebekah practically hide Madison away so Elijah and her brother couldn't see her until tonight. Madison looked so agitated by all the people touching her. Though she was rather happy Bekah wasn't trying to make her wear a blasted pair of heels.  She got a pair of all white converse and let her wear those, she smiled though Rebekah would never admit it to anyone she was happy that there family was back together.

    Rebekah helped Madison into her dress making sure the work of art on her face wasn't ruined. Madison smiled as she slipped the shoes on. Looking in the mirror it was someone she barely recognized. Her already curly hair was curled to perfection. Some of it was pulled up into complicated braids. Her face was flawless not a freckle in sight, her eyes look larger, her lips plump. She looked at Rebekah who looked just as stunning.

    Thy didn't come down for the party until they heard people down stair showing the party had started.

Madison shifted from foot to foot really nervous she had a really bad feeling about this. She took a deep breath an followed Rebekah out as they walked down the steps. All the siblings stood there holding drinks watching everyone walk in and greeting them all as they pasted. Paying no mind to the two approaching woman.

    Madison went to Elijah who gave her his classic gentlemanly smile but with her it was a true smile, not just one he gave to be polite. She stood behind him. She still had this sickening feeling in her stomach. She looked at Esther just looked far to calm. To well collected, like she had all of this plan for a while.

That alarmed Madison, it didn't sit right with her. She kept a wary eye in Ester direction. But also on the people who eyes followed her from the crowd. The Salvatore brothers, the Lockwood boy, and the Donivan boy that seemed to have caught Rebekah's attention. All eyes were on her, which made bell in her head go off even louder. The agitation and anxiety was almost overwhelming. Something was terribly wrong she knew it.

Madison reached the back of Elijah's tuxedo jacket, hand shaking as she just clutched it. Clutching his jacket as if it was her life line. Sending him the silent message telling him something bad was gonna happen tonight.

     After the grand toast of the evening, Madison made her self as scarce as possible. Crowds always made her uncomfortable, she found them to be suffocating and entirely to overwhelming. . Elijah seemed to notice her discomfort immediately. Following after her at a brisk pace.

     "Madison, what's wrong? If you think something is wrong then it must mean one of us is keeping something from you." Madison nodded her eyes glanced at Finn. There was a flash of panic when he looked at her he quickly glanced at the wine. Then things slowly started to connect in her mind.

     Her eyes widened as she muttered " you can't" she knew he would hear her. He simply looked regretful  then looked down and walked the other way.

        "The drinks there's a doppleganger blood. That's has to be it! Esther wants to fix the "mistake" she made There gonna bind us all together, the originals she plans on killing us. The blood that made us can also unmake us." She whispered to Elijah. Her eyes showed how alarmed and scared she was at the thought of dying, when she had just woken up again.

    She glance around and saw Ester slowly climbing the stairs. She held her glass up. "Lady's and Gentlemen I would like to take a moment. A moment to take a toast. This toast is for Family....I haven't been with mine in far to long. I toast to happiness." She said with a smile. She saw every one take a sip. She quickly toke Elijah's drink from his hand and felt the intense thrum of the souls bond grow even stronger. She put a hand on her chest wondering if you could physically feel the vibration of the bond she had with the Originals.

    She practically fell from the pressure she felt from the weight of the bond. She suddenly started coughing. Blood pouring out of her mouth as she began to choke on her own blood. Her body was slowly reverting back to what it was, this spell weakening the vampiric abilities of the originals, they were no longer until label and she knew that. They're we're no longer strong enough to keep her soul bond stable. It was making time catch up to her. Her eyes widened. Her childhood illnesses. The reason she basically meet the Mikealsons.

    She looked at Elijah simply terrified. Wiping the blood off her mouth. He quickly gathered her in his arms, with urgency and care. His arms so gentle as they held her close to his chest. He quickly rushed up the stairs to there room. Which Rebekah, Kol and Klaus quickly followed behind at a almost inhuman pace.

Finn face had a look of absolute horror, his heart hurt at the effect of his actions. He just wanted to end there miserable long lives. They had all lived far to long. It was time for them to go. It was suppose be a quick death. It was effecting her differently, it was causing one of the only people he even cared to say he loved. It was causing her pain. What had he done.

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