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   Madison was beyond happy she had distracted Elijah from his plans to kill their mother. But as she walked back to her room. She couldn't help the dark cloud that came over her mind. They were running again, so much had happen since she woke up again.

    She no longer had the body of a child, now looking like  the grown woman  she had always been. It was a shock. Almost to much of a shock. She basically had her childhood snatched away from her. Even though she was over nine hundred years old.

    She never had people comment on how much bigger she was getting. Or how she was becoming a beautiful young women. Because she wasn't. She wouldn't. Her body was frozen in time. That was a fact she had face a long time ago.

     But suddenly that fact that she had always know. Wasn't a fact anymore. She now looked like a young women.

    She could feel her breath catch in her throat. She slide down the wall. She loved this family to death. But they had snatch away half of her life. Nine hundred years of her life. Gone. Because Nik had daggered his siblings.

    Tears started to run down her face. She was shocked by the sudden wet feeling. Her fingers touched her cheek. Feeling the salty tears. When she finally realized she was crying something in her broke. She let her self sob. Curling into a tight little ball against the wall.

   She didn't know how long she sat there crying. When she heard he door open and a pair of arms wrapped around her. Picking her up, taking her an placing her on the bed. Those arms still wrapped around her. She then felt another set wrap around her. Feeling weight at the bottom of the bed

    She looked up and saw Elijah and Nik were holding her as she sobbed while Rebekah and Kol laid at the bottom of the bed. Kol laying his head in Madison thigh. Rebekah held her hand.  As they all laid there with her as she cried her self to sleep. 

    They laid with her. As she mourned her childhood, and mourned her humanity.


I would like at least two comments for me to write the next chapter.

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