A New Start

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     The breeze hit Madison as she stood on the balcony. The sun was setting on the coast of New Orleans. They had arrived there that morning. It had been a mutual decision from everyone. After that night that they all slept in the bed together.

     Mystic Falls was jut to dangerous. For Madison, for everyone. With their mother trying to kill them. They couldn't take chances anymore.

     So the morning they woke up. Klaus mentioned going back to the old house in Louisiana. It was like a light bulb went off in everyone's head. Everyone quickly packed there things and were practically on the road by that afternoon.

     But when they arrived there was some surprising hostility. One of Nik's protégés Marcel had become the "king" of the town. This of course cause many problems with Nik.

    Madison opened her eyes and looked out at the cityscape. As she looked at the beautiful view. She felt arms wrapping around her. She looked back over her shoulder and saw Elijah. Her change in height was something she would have to get used to.

     She looked in Elijah eyes. "Nik said were going to need to watch Marcel. He may try and hurt you. When Nik try's to take control of the city."

      She shook her head "doesn't he ever think before he does it?" She sighed

     Things were slowly getting back to normal. They were adjusting, adjusting to her looking different. To them being a family again whole. Everything was a change of pace.

   Madison was afraid to say it but she felt the chill in the air. The feeling she typically got when something bad was going to happen. The supernatural creatures were stirring because the Originals were back in town.

     Who could blame them. Creatures that had no sign of any weakness. The one human girl who they probably just thought was a blood bag for them. But everyone knew she was more then that. So it put a massive target on her back.

       She was lost in her thought. When she felt Elijah rub her arm gently. She must have been cold to the touch. It made her jump. Losing her train of thought. She looks at Elijah. Turning so her back was against the rails.

      "Elijah....do you think I'm a beautiful women?" She asked, which was almost alarming for Elijah to hear. Since he was so used to her child like body. Though she had always been mentally so much older.

      Elijah's mouth gaped open, searching for the words to say. "I.....yes....you're beautiful. You've always been beautiful." He told her he looked in to her eyes.

   "Am I beautiful enough for you to want to marry me? "

    The question toke him aback. Of course there was a connection there that was completely undeniable. But for him, she had been in a child's body for century's to suddenly get asked such a straight forward question.

      Then she laughed, it sounded almost like tinkling bells. "Don't worry. I'm not asking for you to propose. I was simply curious." She said as she escaped him walking deeper into the house. Leaving Elijah standing there in utter confusion, that were his own thoughts.


Sorry guys. About the sudden jump out of Mystic Falls. I had been debating which story line I wanted to follow. I honestly like The Originals storyline better. I think I'm going to switch up the seasons a little. Do, the battle with Marcel. Then bring Dahlia in. Because I would love to do the baby arc. But I would like to develop the relationship between Madison and Elijah a little more.

Can I get three more comments???
I'll post the next chapter when I get three comments. I would love for you to tell me what you want to see.

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