The Connection

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After her talk with Elijah. She realized how much the time change was effecting her. Her body was beyond exhausted. She opened the chestnut wood door to her room. Walking to her bed and just collapsing.

Laying in the canopy bed that was hers. For the first time in ever. They had decided that she could actually have her own room. Though she still wondered to Elijah or Niks rooms, anytime that she couldn't sleep. But for the first time in a while she fee" asleep in her bed.

Sleeping in her bed. She had been sleeping more then she probably should have. Her sleeping was probably do to minor depression. She had been rather sad, almost to thoughtful since she had gotten to NOLA.

But this sleep wasn't her usual sleep. Her body had instantly connected to one of the originals in there time of distress. There she was standing in the middle of a scene she didn't want to see.

Nik was in chains, vampires punching and kicking him. So much that Klaus face finally slumped her looked like he was ready to pass out.

All the damage that he sustained so did Madison. She cried out when she felt some of her ribs break from the kicks Nik received. Bruises forming around her face. But he stayed in that trance like state she was in.

She knelt down in front of Klaus. She knew she was only seeing through his eyes. It was reflecting it for her. But she gently grabbed his face.

"You can't stop fighting. Your hurt....y'all heal....but I won't not as fast as you. There hurting me Nik. Don't let them hurt me anymore" she knew she was playing with his heart strings. But she also knew it was the best way to make him react.

His head instantly snapped up. The face of the famous hybrid clear for everyone to see. He quickly broke the chains. After the chains broke, Madison slowly started to fade to her pain filled body.

She couldn't help the whimpers that escaped her body. But that's when she realized she wasn't moving. Someone was poking and prodding her. She slowly opened her eyes. They were slightly swollen. Nik looked so devastated, so apologetic. But with the way Elijah leaned frustrated against the wall. He had already given Klaus a stern talking to.

"I worked things out with Marcel." Nik couldn't help but smile sadly

" Yes, we came to the agreement to let me rule the city. But I would not take his family away. The vampire society he had built here is honor-bound. I wouldn't want to ruin that. My only worry are the witches. They don't like Marcel not allowing magic. They hate the Original vampire family even more. I'm afraid you're I'm even more danger from them."

He sighed sitting in a chair next to the bed. Cradling his head. At this point Elijah spoke up. You could practically hear the distress in his voice with each word he spoke.

"They will try an kill you....hurt you because they know that you mean something to us. That's not good."


Hey guys. This is one of the story's that you guys seem to like. You tell me you like it and you want more. Let me, let you in on a little secret. If you ask you shall receive.

Plus I'm kinda of trying to pour out some chapters. Because next week I'm going to the beach so I'll be a little MIA in-till August 1st.

Vote!! Review!! :)

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