Slowly Healing The Broken

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Madison's recovery was terribly slow. But the fact she was healing from time catching up with her was a miracle in it's self.

Madison standing in front of the floor length mirror, that sat in the corner of Elijahs room. Looking at herself up and down in the mirror. She was taller, her legs longer this growth spurt probably put her at 5'7 from her 5'0. Her body was more developed. The body of a women, the body she never thought she would get to experience. She had long since come to term with her never ageing body. So this was a Miri call to get, it was amazing to her.

While her body hadn't aged a day since the Mikealson's had been made into vampires. Her mind had aged where he body had not. Where her mind was that of a women. Her body never aged, so her wisdom and insight always made people uncomfortable.

She stared amazed at her face. At first gently touching her cheek then pulling at her cheeks expecting it to be a dream she would wake up from. Klaus came to the door he leaned against the frame.

"You've aged into a beautiful woman, Madison." He said with his much deeper drawl.

She nearly jumped out of her skin. Having been far to distracted examining her own face. Turning and facing Niklaus. She just smiled at him.

" I'm surprised to see you here, you're not plotting your revenge against mother?"

The word mother on her lips was heavy as lead. She had been raised by the woman since she was little. Madison understood the betrayal of Esther. But she also showed how far she was willing to go to protect this family.

"Oh, I actually think Elijah is taking the lead on this one. I have never seen my noble brother so hell bent on the destruction of our mother. Can I say it even scares me a little, at  how focused he is at getting us as far as he can from mother."

Klaus said in a kind of joking manner. But she saw right past the mask he put on and saw the concern in his eyes. He was the one who always sought after revenge when they had been wronged. Of all of the Orignals it was kind of terrifying that the most Noble was the one plotting to kill there mother or to hide them as far away as they could get.

Frowning, Madison said "I'll talk to him. I just....I really want us to leave happily. Together. Like we did back then, I mean I know everyone needs time to heal. But, Nik you can't dagger anyone anymore. I don't want to go back to sleep. I want us to all live again, be happy like we used too be" she looked at him.

Klaus looked down at his feet in shame. When he daggered a sibling for doing something he hated, her eternal slumber was just a horrible side affect of her being there humanity.

"I know. Now that I don't have the daggers. I can't really make that threat now can I?" He chuckled pathically

Klaus had also notice how much more vampire like his siblings became the more sibling daggered. Elijah was almost like he had his humanity turn off when everyone was daggered but him.

Madison walked towards Nik putting her hand on his shoulder, squeezing it. She understood why he did the things he did. They might not have been the most thought out plans. But she understood. Walking past him she headed towards the library.

She headed to the library because that's typically where Elijah would go when he had problems. He would open a book and hope that it would have the answers to his problem.

Elijah stood at a table leaning over a pile of books. Grimores. He wasn't a witch but maybe, if he read then he could be a step ahead of his mother. He felt disgusted to call that woman his mother. He heard the sound of gentle thuds of his humans feet padding on the floor, it was a soothing sound.

"Madison, dear should you be out of bed so soon. We don't know if Esthers spell had any other affect on you. You really should be resting"

Madison stood there smirking "You sound like a worried mother goose, 'Lijah" he just smiled at her saying his name, his name rolled off of her lips.

"You can't blame me for being worried that you might get hurt again. Your not as indestructible as we are my dear."

"You are going to worry your self gray" she joked, a smirk rising on the corners of her lips

"Really though, you should be resting you don't know if your body's permanently like that. It could revert back anytime now. Or it could grow older." Madison shook her head gently her eyes soft.

"Nik had a witch look at me. She said my body was stable. That it seemed as if it had been this way for ages. Which for a girl who's still technically human I would say is pretty good." She said jokingly she peered around the room.

"I haven't heard Kol or Bekah today? Where are they?" She asked curiously looking around the library as if they would be hiding somewhere. Elijah saw how she was trying to distract him. She could probably feel how stressed he was and she was trying to distract him from it.

"Kol, has been bugging the Bennett witch. You always know his love for witches. Rebekah is off playing human at a high school. Something about planning a prom. It's a dance, a modern version of a ball."

Madison's eyes lit up which scared Elijah he knew that look he smiled and shook his head. " I wish we could stay, even Rebekah know that we are leaving for New Orleans before the end of the week. I want to put as much distance between us and mother as we can."                                    

So, if I could get at least one comment. Tell me how you like it so far. Where do you think it should go? What do you think should happen?

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