Healing Her.

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Elijah looked simply terrified, how had things ended this way. Looking down at the fragile seemingly immortal human girl. Her face had lost all color to it, her lips tinted red from the blood she had coughed up. Sweat beaded her forehead from a fever.

He suddenly got  flashes from their childhood. A young Madison frail and weak in bed with a fever, a wet rag being dabbed on her forehead, her small and fragile body shaking form. She had always been plagued with fevers and unexplainable illnesses.

She was abandoned by her mother at a very young age. Such a sickly child was alway to expensive to care for. So at the the age of four. She was left laying outside of there house sound asleep wrapped in a blanket, burning up from a fever. Elijah was the one to find her laying at the door, gently picking her up the best he could when he was only slightly bigger then she was and carrying her in for his mother to see.

The illness that plagued her as a child was affecting her immortal body. Elijah cradled her to his chest  as if she was made of glass, afraid one wrong move would shatter her fragile state.

     When he got up to his bed room, he pulled the covers back gently placing her on the bed. Quickly as his siblings came he was barking orders to them, sending Rebekah off to find water to lower her fever.

    He would mess with modern medicene for humans later. Since this was not a modern issue. Elijahs vision flashed red when he saw his mother come into the room tentatively. He rushed to his mother in a blind rage.

"You will fix what ever spell you have cast, and you fix it NOW!! Its killing her. The girl you created to be our humanity. You're killing her, without her we have no SOUL, no HUMANITY LEFT! If she dies, I can promise you. Nothing will stop the hell I will create." He hissed, venom dripping off of ever word.

"What is done by doppleganger blood can be undone. If you wish to undo the spell I cast you must get Elenas blood. But I highly doubt y'all get blood willingly from her." There mother said with a grimace. Refusing to make eye contact with any of her children.

     Klaus and Kol both nodded taking what there mother said as a challenge almost. Disappearing to find Elena to get the blood of the doppelgänger for the girl who was their soul.

Elijah was practically shaking in fear and rage of the thought of losing her. She was his last thread of humanity, his whole reason for existence. Without her, he'd lose complete control of himself. Without her in his life eternity was pointless. He looked at the wood floor and grimaced.

Suddenly Rebekah heart wrenching choked sob, tore Elijah from his thoughts. So  he rush to Rebekahs side, where she had been dabbing a wet rag to Madison's head. But when he got there he was just as terrified if not more .

Madison looked completely different. Before her body looked no older then a child in her late teens, her illness made it very hard for her to grow when they were human. Madison had always been very thin and sickly, it always made her appear far younger then she was.

     But now laying on his bed was a fully developed women. Which meant time was catching up with her. Her body wasn't frozen in time anymore.

Elijah was frozen, the young girl who slept in his bed every night since she was four was now laying in it, a full grown women. Had he not known it was Madison he wouldn't have known. Her face looked delicate but her jaw and cheek bones sharp and defined. Her cheek bones high. Her lips full and a natural tinted red color. Her lashes long and thick. Her body had grown. Her legs were long and elegant. Her body had more feminine curves and shape.

He shook his head, trying not to pay attention to her body while she was passed out. He needed Klaus and Kol to hurry before her body jumped forward again. Her body still shook, from the cough that rattled her whole body, blood trickling out of her mouth down her chin. She was still terribly ill.

It didn't take long for Kol to come running back in with a small vial of blood. "Would you believe we didn't have to hold her down to get this. She gave it up willingly, it was a pity really. Something like 'we wanted to kill you guys not her' she practically started having a melt down then and there" Kol laughed. Elijah didn't find any of that as amusing as Kol did.

He grabbed the vial as fast as he could and went to Madison gently gathering her up in his arms. Ignoring Kols comment of "damn what happen to Mads" He had a wide fox like grin on his face.

Elijah slowly tipped the bottle into her mouth. He eyes slowly cracked opened as  she swallowed but choked slightly on the blood as the copper taste of blood filled her mouth. She whimpered nuzzling into his arms, as the nausea took over. He could tell just from the sound her heart beat. That it was making her body better, no longer was time trying to reclaim what it had lost. Her heart was slowing to it's normal rhythm that had kept her frozen in time. Her coughing had stopped. She slowly opened her eyes.

"Thanks. 'Lijah" she muttered into his chest. Sounding utterly exhausted

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