Ignite the fire

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Klaus and Elijah were right, there weeks were filled with death threats. With many injuries. From traps set by the witches. Finally Elijah and Klaus had had enough. Klaus had went and talked to Marcel asking if he could use his witch to cloak. Madison and Elijah as they hid.

There was a small cabin deep in the bayou. That's was rather nice. Elijah had become almost this scary force to be reckoned with. He barely left her side. Leaving it only when he needed to. Which was becoming quite hard. Because Madison's body wasn't the young girls body he was so used to.

So when she would start to undress in front of him, like she used to in the old days. He would scold her. Trying to ignore the pounding in his chest from his undead heart.

Elijah looked over at Madison as she read a book. Some of her brown ringlets feel into her face. God, she was such a beautiful women. He had always felt strong emotions toward Madison. But, with her body now at the age her mind always was. He couldn't hold back the feelings he had kept locked away.

She started to shudder. The cabin was cold, "come here" he said simply offering his arms to her. He had a blanket ready to cover her fragile human body.

Madison couldn't help but smile as she made her way to him. She couldn't help the wide smile that cover her face. "Thanks 'lijah" she whispered as she cuddled closer.

She was so fragile now. She had always been. But with the witches after her life. It almost like she was walking a right line tittering over the edge. Elijah brought his hand under her chin. Tilting her head up. Looking into her crystalline blue eyes. God, he could practically swim in them. He slowly began to lean in.

Madison eyes widened but then she relaxed. Not moving out of his way. She knew the relationship, between them was alway something more. But her young body had always prevented what could have been between them. A girl who looked no more then ten, with a man who looked to be in his early twenties. He would have been branded a pedophile.

There lips meet, there was practically sparks flying from them. Madison wrapped her arms around Elijah neck pulling him closer. Just as it began to heat up between them. Pain hit Madison, like no other pains. She cried out in agony.

Elijah was instantly alarmed "Madison. What's happening."
Sweat began to cover her brow. Her temperature began to raise beyond a healthy level. She had balled up in the Fetal position hoping it would ease her pain.

Elijah waisted no time he picked her up and used his speed to have her in the passenger side of his jeep and he had them to the mansion in less then five minutes. He screamed for his siblings.

Madison didn't hear any of them. He body becoming practically numb from all the pain. Her vision had began to go completely white. Suddenly her body was surrounded by the feeling of cold water but still in Elijah's arms.


Cliff hanger!

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