Calming the fire.

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Her skin prickled from the rush of cold. It toke her body a second to register what was happening to it. He body was freezing but it dulled the pain that ran through her body.

She slowly began to come back from her unconsciousness. Her eyes begin to focus pass the tears that stream down her face.

"'Lijah what's...happening to me. Why does it feel like my veins are on fire?"

She cried out in pain. Her fingers dug into his bicept.

"They've got something that belong to you....the witches have managed to hex you. Niklaus had gone searching for the women who hexed you. But right now....I'm just trying to keep your temperature down. If it get any higher it could be deadly."

Her blue eyes had turned an almost grey color. But she looked at Elijah with such pained but loving eyes. "You ruined your suite for me....must mean you love me a lot" she whispered though her voice cracked under the pain.

He smiled sadly at her failed attempt at humor "maybe you can buy me another suite later. After you get better. Sound like deal." She laughed but silently agreed with him. She focused in and out of consciousness.

Though Elijah never faltered, he held her up. As he had almost her whole body but her face submerged in the cold water.

Rebekah and Kol stood pacing on the outside of the pool. Practically ready to run out and assist Klaus in his search for the vile witch who would dare hurt, one of the purest humans to ever associate with the Mikealson family.

Madison's body was tense as she practically squirmed in pain. When suddenly her body relaxed. Her face which had been contorted in pain. Slowly went to an almost stoic peaceful sleeping face.

Klaus arrived throughly cover in blood. His clothes completely ruined with scatter blood. Elijah looked at him as he pulled Madison closer to his chest "I hope you left a message for the other witches."

Nik smirked "I left her entrails hanging in there graveyard. As a reminder of who is more powerful. To show them what happens to those who hurt the ones we love." He said with a dark look. He looked at Madison seeing her sweat covered brow. But she looked physically more relaxed. Her muscles not as tense. Her heart was going back to it's normal rhythm.

Elijah was about to take her back to the cabin. Take care of her from there. But he stopped himself. "Let's go back home....get her dried off. In new clothes" he said it quietly almost afraid to wake her up. But he knew she would her body was so exhausted that she probably would wake up for a few days.

But when he told them to go to the manor. It was his way of saying, Madison needed to be with all of them. Her connection with them was stronger then ever. So maybe if there were all together in one place with her. She could steal there healing. Even though Elijah planned on feeding her his blood.

It toke no more then a blink of an eye for them to reach the manor. Elijah left Madison with Rebekah to clean her and put some fresh clothes on her. If she was in her younger body Elijah wouldn't have second guessed changing her. But her body now looked like a young women. He would violate the trust they shared with one another.

When Rebekah had finished they all piled into the bed with her. Elijah sat a little a over her head. Running his fingers through her curls. Her head was almost in his lap. Elijah remained seated and not laying down. Almost on guard, ready to move if he needed too.

Klaus toke a position almost identical to Elijah's. But more laying down then Elijah. He curled himself towards her practically hummed protective energy. The wolf in him coming out. Screaming at him to protect his pack.

Rebekah laid on Madison's thigh holding her hand. The only friend she truly had. The one friend who had never left or questioned her. She closed her eyes feeling herself falling asleep.

Kol toke a similar position to Rebekah laying around her legs. Holding Madison's hand tight almost afraid she slip away of her moved even a muscle. His muscles were tense. Though his lips held a smirk, it was clear to see he was terrified to lose her almost as much as his other siblings. Even though he kept a face of indifference.

Madison could feel the love, she could feel her body slowly repairing the damage it had just sub stained. She knew her family was there, helping her heal. That was enough for her. It made her feel whole and complete. Which was a lovely feeling to have after feeling as if you were broken.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2015 ⏰

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