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That Saturday I woke up early excited to go and pick out a dress. I already new the type of dress I wanted. Red was a must. Red had always been my fav route colour long before I even got Griffindor although that did help me like it even more. Not a like red though. More of a dark red. A maroon shade. I always found it so beautiful and I wasn't quite sure why. To me the colour reminded me of royalty and big castles the size of Hogwarts. Dramatically running through the hallways in an over the top ball gown. That was the my dream. Although from what I've heard it seems to be every other girls dream too.

Maybe some lace detailing would be nice. I always imagined my mothers wedding dress. A beautiful white dress with the longest train you would ever see. It was beautiful and she looked beautiful in it. I wanted a big wedding like hers. Everyone there to see you marry the person you lived most in the world. To be able to call them your forever. To get to confess your love in front of everyone. It seemed so magical. Although I didn't fancy the idea of kissing my new husband in front of my parents, and family.

Me and Ginny were walking through Hogsmeade trying to find dress shop. When my eyes fell upon I quieter shop off to the side of the busy street. The some seemed delicate. Reminded me of a sunflower field. My and Ginny walked over to it and entered.

Our eyes immediately filled with excitement. We looked around and took in the sight. Every single dress seemed carefully hand crafted. Every detail placed perfectly to the dresses down the the single specks of glitter. They were beautiful. All of them. I had never seen a more breath-taking sight. Other than when I looked at Fred after our second kiss. But this was definitely a close second.

"Hello ladies, how can I help you?" Said the shopkeeper.

"We're attending a ball later this month and are looking for a dress" Ginny told her.

"Ooh how exciting, look around and let me know if you need any help."

Ginny immediately started dragging me around the shop. Placing dress after dress in my arms for the both of us to try on. Although the dresses she was giving me were beautiful none of them caught my eye the way of would have wanted it to. Ginny and me had sat in the shop for hours trying to find the perfect dress. She had just found hers. Green neck line. Pink body. Following with a green skirt. All the different to shades of the two colours faded perfectly together. She looked beautiful in it. When she put it on I saw her eyes sparkle. She couldn't stop admiring it. It looked exactly like what she had described to me on the way here. The way it flowed at the bottom reminded me of a princess.

"This is the one." Ginny said confidently still admiring the beauty of it.

"Yes. Yes it is. Ginny you look beautiful."

She smiled warmly at me and she went to change back into her clothes folding the dress lightly. "Right we just need to find you one. Any catch your eye?"

"No maybe we should-" and then I saw it. It was beautiful. A maroon colour just as I had imagined. The top had beautiful lace detailing flowing seamlessly down the rest of the dress. The colour didn't fade once. It stayed rich and dark. Two thin straps on each shoulder thread through to the back of the dress zig zags to tie it up. It looked perfect.

"Ginny..." I trained off still in awe at the beautiful dress I front of me. She followed my eye line eventually falling upon the dress that I felt I could marry. I truly felt as if I was in love with it.

"Oh my. Cora. That beautiful try it in right now it would look stunning on you."

"You really think so?"

"Yes." She said before pushing me into the changing room along with the dress.

It fit perfectly and I truly felt beautiful. The colour was more than perfect and if I wasn't sure about the dress before I sure as hell was now. I walked out to show Ginny.

"Corrie! You look beautiful. That is the dress. Get it. Please."

"Yeah, yeah I think I will." Still in complete admiration.

As I was going up to pay I quickly remembered Fred's tie I promised to by.

"Do you have a tie that would match my dress by any chance?" I asked the gentle looking lady behind the desk.

"Of course my dear give me a moment." She trodden of to behind the store.

"Sorry I promised Fred I would get him a tie so my dress colour and everything was a surprise"

"No worries that's actually really sweat"

I smiled sweetly as the lady came back. I payed for everything and left the store with Ginny.

As we were walking back to Hogwarts I heard my name being yelled. As I turned to see who it was Ginny grabbed my bag with my dress. I looked at her confused.

"Trust me with it I'll place it in your bed in your dorm. You'll want to stay here a bit longer." She nodded her heard towards the direction of the sound. I turned to see Fred signalling for me to come over.

"Thankyou Ginny." I hugged her tightly.

"Yes. Yes. Alright now go." She laughed pushing me towards Fred.

"Hey love" he said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Hey" I said trying to conceal the blush rising in my cheeks.

"Three broom sticks? Butter-beer?"


As we walked their I had a small sense of warmth in my heart. We sat in the three broomsticks talking about anything that came to mind. Fred kept trying to find out about my dress but I wouldn't budge.

That night we sat in the common room like we always did. Fred read to me this time. It was calming. As I felt my self about to drift of I felt a gentle kiss on my forehead along with his comforting voice. "Goodnight Corrie."

Until the end of this | Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now